chapter 32

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The weather and scenery after the rain is just so breathtaking..
The daily white sky is coloured orange by the golden rays of sun, the water droplets acting as prisms to form a beautiful rainbow up in the sky
Only few birds who are awake at the moment are flying back to their own nests to have a good night sleep..
But everything just trashes your mood when you look down at the humans..
Pathways filled with a suffocating crowd..almost as if you'll die in need of oxygen.. there is heavy traffic everywhere due to the slippery road caused by melted rain.. oh how will one take a look at the beautiful scenery if one is so busy in their own world's?but then again there was this young man in his early twenty's.... Wearing steel rimmed spectacles and expensive frame which was reflecting the golden light coming from the window..
Doe eyes concentrated on the screen producing blue rays.. Brutally ignoring the beautiful scenery almost as if it didn't exist.. sitting in the ceo's cabin of the second most known company.. but not on the main desk, on the couch placed near it.. where was his place.. face was pale because of not getting enough sleep, working too much and starving himself...
But not really caring about himself he was only busy checking all the work one last time before the press and the show.. and then ofcourse the launch..
Eyes were dropping with sleep..but he was trying to be awake.. chanting some nonchalant words to keep himself awake...
Keep working hard kookie, taehyung will be so happy then, do this for tae
From the past 4 days the boy has only slept for 5 hours and he knows well that if he doesn't sleep now his body won't function in his way... The light of the computer screen was poking his eyes making it uncomfortable and itchy.. but he has to work he'll rest later..near taehyung....
"But hyung.. why? Have you looked at him.. even once?... Why don't you want us to tell him??" Asked jimin.. "jongsuk.. seriously why are you doing this to your own brother..?" Asked jiha with teary eyes.. everyone's eyes in the room were on jongsuk except taehyung who was  in his deep slumber..
"Jiha... You need to understand.. jungkook and taehyung both are like my little brothers.. I need jungkook to be brave enough to embrace the truth and come meet taehyung.." said jongsuk with a sigh...
"... But you know that boy more than us.. to know how is he?" Asked jiha again.. jimin smacked his lips together making a tsk sound... "Listen hyung I don't care now.. I'm going to tell Jungkoo--" "jimin.. don't. Jongsuk is right.. jungkook needs to be brave enough or he lose taehyung... cowardly..."
With desperate expression jimin looked towards jongsuk again.. "please hyung...." But the brunette just ignored the boy.. and said." we should probably go now..." He looked at taehyung "let him rest.." and left the room.. followed by yoongi, and others..
Red rimmed eyes, tense limbs and an empty stomach, jungkook works, works and works..
He works as the sun settles at the depths of horizon for the day...
He works as shadow stretch longer, creating distorted figures that sits placidly in the office room which is drowning in the warm pool of pastel hues. He works against the frantic echo of the clock, his fingers typing faster than the ticking arms. And finally as the shadows finally disintegrate into empty carcasses of space, as the shy pastels replaced with stringent cool tones, as the clock runs threateningly closer to his deadline.
Jungkook clicks enter for his final email, He had to send to the clients for the press.
He looked out of the window to just see now the dark clouds.. putting everything in order for tomorrow.. so he dosen't forget anything.. he again looks outside.. there is a weird feeling bubbling inside of him... remorse? anguish? Or maybe both...
Looking at the empty leather chair.. he felt something wet on his cheeks..
He shakes his head.. enough..I'm not resisting anymore.. I don't care what happens now in the hospital.. I need to see him... But I'll break if something happens to him... How can I see him like that? But shouldn't I be at his worst.. plus everything would have been fine if I didn't dated him.. I'm to blame I guess.. I should be punished...
I should face it... I'll go see him...
With that last thought in his mind he turned his heels.. walking out of the building...
He sat in his car.. driving through the bustling streets of Seoul he reached his destination.. looking up he saw a white building.. illuminated by red and blue letters "Seoul National University hospital" walking through the empty hallways.. he was suddenly standing infront of taehyung's room.. I can't do this... Let's just go home.. he closed his eyes to let those thoughts just vanish from his mind..
He was holding the door knob, twisting it with shaky hands.. for the first time in 4 days..he saw him, he saw the man he loves, and will love..
Many machines beeping around him..
He dosen't look very pale.. rather very calm and deep in his sleep..
He smiled.. looking for a stool.. he pushed it out from under the bed without making a noise..and sat on it... " What has happened to you... Won't you hear my philosophical blabbering today..?" He chuckled and sniffled.." you got tired so soon..... Weren't you suppose to be my dark fairytale and I your twisted fantasy.. and together we would make magic...." He held his hands in his own.. " my hands are sore and it feels good in your soft ones... Wait but isn't that your quote again.." he again laughs to himself... "Aren't you a devil. Huh? Kim taehyung.. aren't you a devil..? But aren't you suppose to set fire to the world around you.. but never let a flame touch me.. isn't that what you said.. but look now it looks like my heart is burnt... Because I was left in the middle of the most wildest fire when you left me.. aren't you a devil taehyung... You scare me you know... How did you find so much beauty in my darkness.." " did you find the horrors in my lights then koo..." A croaked voice sounded taking jungkook's attention.. "oh my god... Wait wait... Should I call the doctor..."
"... Don't worry bun.. the doctor came a few minutes ago to check me up.."
" Do the others know... I should.."
" They went home... Just a few hours ago after I woke up.." jungkook looked down at his lap "oh...... I'm the last one.." taehyung looked at him and smiled softly.... "Haven't you got braver to come and see me..?" He said while holding jungkook's hands.. whose finger tips were hard from typing so much, palms red.. but jungkook just scoffed.. "just a facade.."
"Oh really? I don't really think so...."
Looking at their hands.. jungkook was subconsciously rubbing his thumb on taehyung's skin in a soothing manner.. " I can never get tired of your philosophical blabbering.." they both chuckled when taehyung said that.. "why did you call me a devil.. I don't think I have a red Cape or pointy ears.." taehyung pouted a little... Jungkook smiled at him "because the devil dosen't come in red Cape and pointy ears with flames around him.."
"Oh really? Your ruining my childhood now koo... What do you think he looks like then..."
"He comes as everything, you ever wanted or wished for..." taehyung looked at him...with soft his mouth "Dear god, what is it like in your funny little brain.. it must be so boring.." jungkook looked at him with eyebrows raised.. "excuse me but I'm the smart one here..your the stupid one.." taehyung made an offending face with a gasp.." god koo why do you attack me with words again?" " Do you want me to use knives instead..?" Jungkook said with sass while looking at his finger nails to find any dirt.." but seriously koo you cannot be smart.. anything you could be is clumsy.."
" Excuse you mr. Kim I'm a brain, the rest of me is a mere appendix.."
Taehyung laughed at the statement..
" Ofcourse your the smartest bun out there.." they sat in silent.. a settling and needed silent.. "you worked hard didn't you?" Jungkook looked up at that.. and smiled.. "your dream project, it was.. how could I leave it alone..." They were looking outside at the sky.. the plain bland sky due to rain earlier this evening.. no stars only a glimpse of the moon lightning the sky... "Tae..." Taehyung looked towards jungkook.."I need to say something to you..."

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