He made your lip bleed because of jealousy
One-shot ft. Abhishek Sharma
Shared on Ig: @abhishekksharma_
(y- You; Ab- Abhishek; Am-Ammy)
Yn's POV:
Sitting in one of the most expensive and luxurious restaurants, everyone had expensive and elegant clothes on. My boyfriend Abhishek was sitting right next to me, his one hand resting on my thigh. His friends were also there. It was my first time meeting his friends. One of his friends kept looking at me while smirking, it made me uncomfortable. Without me realising, Abhishek was already giving him death stares that could kill anyone. But he ignored his stares and kept looking at my cleavage. I had a dark dress on in which my cleavage was seen, with dark heels, bare makeup and a chaotic horse, with a sling pack. Almost every woman was wearing a red dress and I knew about it so I thought of wearing a black one.
Am: You look hot Yn.
He said with an ugly ass smirk that never left his lips after looking at me. I smiled at him awkwardly. If he wasn't Abhay's friend, I would have killed him by now.
Suddenly I felt a tight grip on my waist, making me flinch a little. I looked to my side only to see Abhay already staring at me with his burning eyes. Staring into my deep eyes, he pulled me closer, holding my chin softly with his other hand making small circles on my waist and smashed his lips on mine.
I was a little embarrassed as I felt everyone's eyes on us but at this moment he seems not to take care. He bit my lower pain making me hiss in pain, I thought that it was unintentional but not soon after smooth kiss turned into a harsh one. I tried to pull out as I couldn't bare the pain but he didn't let go of me.
I already had tears in my eyes that were about to fall. I asked my myself, "Why is he doing this? Why is he hurting me? He has never done it before." After sometime, he pulled out and looked at me. I looked away letting my tears fall. I touched my lip and felt something wet on fingers and I saw... BLOOD.
His guy friends were looking at us with a smirk and at that moment I breaked down and left the cafe not thinking what would happen next. When I was going to leave that cafe, Abhishek held me up by wrist and I turned my face towards him. Anger in my eyes and tears flowing down while his face showed that he was worried. We didn't utter a single word but our eyes said a lot. I jerked his hand and left the cafe with my material.
He called my name but I ignored him and walked out of the cafe while wiping the blood off my lips. Tears never stopped falling. Walking out of the car, I directly went to our car but before I could open the car's door, Abhishek held me from back and I turned towards him.
Y: Let go of me! I yelled while trying to free myself.
Ab: Listen to me first-
Y: No! I won't listen to you. Why are you even here? Didn't you had fun making me cry and embarrassed in front of everyone? JUST GO ALREADY! I yelled once again while crying. I-
Before I could say anything else, he cut off me by kissing me. This time it was gentle and smooth full of love but I didn't kiss him back. I closed my eyes and let my tears fall. He slowly let go and joined his forehead with mine while looking deep into my eyes.
Ab: I never wanted to hurt to baby. I was just jealous... too much. The way he was staring at you and vice cersa, I couldn't hold it Yn.
He had tears in his eyes while talking.
Ab: I'm just afraid of losing you. I'm sorry for hurting you.
He finally bursts into tears as I hugged him tightly trying to calm him down. Even though I was angry and mad but I couldn't see him crying. After calming him down, I made him look at me.
Y: Do you love me?
Ab: With my whole heart.
Y: Do you want this relationship to continue?
Ab: I want to marry you and have our own little family.
Y: Then, you need to trust me Abhay.
Ab: I trust you but not the people around you.
Y: Abhay, I love you and you should know that I never seen any man the way I look at you, full with love.
He kept silent without saying a word only his tears were falling. After a few minutes of silence, he said,
Ab: Please don't leave me.
Y: I'll never but Abhay you have to trust me to make this relationship work.
Ab: I'll trust you, I promise.
I kissed him and we went back home.

He made your lip bleed because he was jealous
Short Story"I refused to believe that love could take any other form than mine: I measured love by the extent of my jealousy, and by that standard, of course, she could not love me at all." - Graham Greene, The End of the Affair