10,000 Theatre House

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  • Dedicated to Keely Moser

In these documents you will find the true recalling of what happened at the ten thousand theatre house on the night of Halloween 2024. It was six years ago today that me and my four

freinds, Miquel, Ellis, James, and the beautiful keely were on a flight to investigate a ghost sighting. We were a group of famous television ghost hunters in search of our next

'adventure'. The ten thousand theatre house had been investigated by other ghost hunters but none at night, and none on the very night of Halloween. So we all boarded the plane from

Denver Colorado to Firth Idaho. After the long and boring four hour plane ride we arrived in the small town. As we departed the plane we were greated by a the harsh voice of a

large, very tan farmer "Howdy, you must be the folks miss Arnold was talkin' about," he said. "Yes," Keely said, these are my freinds."

 She then tells him "Miquel here, leads us, Ellis and James are our ghost specialists, I am what the others call a 'dumby', and Jack here is our camera man."

The man then motions for us to follow "Come I'll take you to the misses." We then departed from the airport in his black minivan. As we arrived at the theatre house a lady

with long black hair came to the van to greet us, the tan farmer did not exit the vehicle and his only remarks were "you picked a bad night." We joked about it as we exited the van

to greet the old lady. "Hello my name is miss Anderson," the old lady said. "Hi," everyone echoed back to her. "What a lovely bunch of young people, and welcome to my

home," she said.

 "you live here?" asked Ellis, "no, why would anyone want to live in such a terrible place," the old lady asked. We all shrugged and followed her in to the theatre house.

As we entered the smell of rotten wood and rat feces filled our noses. "Oh what is that horrible smell!" James exclaimed. "That would probably be the rats." the old lady said,

chuckling. We continoued through the building until we reached the dressing rooms, wich were filled with tattered, moss eaten curtains and filthy make up tables. The old lady

then told us, "This is where most of our 'hauntings' occur."

 "Okay then this is where we will set up our equipment," Ellis said. The old lady then had us move to check out the rest of the place. Ellis stayed behind to set up the

equipment. When we got to the second floor we looked outside to see that the sun was setting and the sky darkening. "What a way to spend a Halloween night," Keely said

squeezing Jacks hand. Jack turned to her and kissed her forehead saying "only because you're here. After visiting the actual, massive theatre room we worked our way

back downstairs. We visited another dressing room, just a bit smaller than the previous, a commons area, and a bar. As we continue through the building we came to one last door

where the lady stood back and told us to go ahead, and that it was the last room. As we opened the door a foul stench came across us and a horrible sight to. The room was filled

with heads of deceased animals.

 The heads looked fresh and blood dripped from several. We quickly turned around only to see the old lady gone. "Is this some sort of sick joke!" Keely yelled to

no avail. "Calm down lets just get back to Ellis, I'm sure him and that lady are laughing it up back there," James said. So we continued back to the dressing room only to find

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