"Chosen" Through a Wish

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Eula didn't know what to do with the vacant room, so she brainstormed for ideas.

After an hour of brainstorming, Eula came up with an idea: since her banner is coming up on May 18, 2021, she will use the Genshin Impact Wish Simulator to decide the THREE 4-star characters that will BE FEATURED ON HER BANNER!!! These three featured 4-star characters will be INVITED to the hotel and will be known as The "Chosen" Ones.

There is something SPECIAL about this Genshin Impact Wish Simulator—each wish will be a GUARANTEED 4-star character that is NOT Amber, Kaeya, or Lisa. That means one wish after another wish is GUARANTEED to be a 4-star character that is NOT Amber, Kaeya, or Lisa—as a 1 NON-PITY!!!

Eula decided that she would use the news broadcast to spread the word about the wishes, the hotel, and The "Chosen" Ones ALL over Teyvat!

On May 18, 2021, Eula announced this news ALL over Teyvat, and she will be wishing DURING the broadcast.

Eula: "I will be wishing THREE times! Each wish will be a GUARANTEED 4-star character that is NOT Amber, Kaeya, or Lisa! Each 4-star character I get is a WINNER—and their names will be announced AFTER I make the THIRD wish!"

Eula wishes three times. She got Xinyan on her first wish, Xingqiu on her second wish, and Beidou on her third wish.

Eula: "The winners are Xinyan, Xingqiu, and Beidou! I will notify them IMMEDIATELY!!!"

Eula stopped the broadcast and notified Xinyan, Xingqiu, and Beidou. As a notification, Eula sent a text message to Xinyan, Xingqiu, and Beidou.

The text message said:

Congratulations Xinyan/Xingqiu/Beidou!

You are a winner and one of the "Chosen" Ones! You are a "Chosen" One because I "chose" you to be a SPECIAL guest of my hotel—and will be invited to stay at it FOR FREE FOR TEN YEARS!!! You got lucky!

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