The fear of losing you I wouldn't call it fear cause I've lost so much in life that being afraid is impossible to feel worrying about the lost love that had already been dead from the love that was never giving is like swimming in a tub with no water just thoughts of the whole half of heart that you have to survive on and learning the pieces to try to make it at least feel whole giving yourself that piece of mind that was thrown in a bowl like scraps left over to give to a dog even I know that's not something any human being deserves but I guess that's why the body is useless in the human eyes because it wasn't designed to do what the soul was created to things that we feel emotions that our mind and souls create is power and creative energy that we can't control the mind controls the body just like the heart knows what it wants the body is just a appearance basically a cover up you can't ask anyone ever in life could they feel your pain pain is useless emotion that makes us all the same it makes you weak on the out side while the inside stands strong that's why god calls the soul and leave the rest of it where it belongs dirt is our appearance you see your self as creative in unique but to those out of this world beauty is a weakness to self that's why it's easy to love every one else but your self so ask your self love is love in love is not supposed to hurt but pain is pain it was created to work and healing makes you whole but everyone you see is incomplete then you ask me what's real or are we just the weakest link I am just confused a lil but like a baby in this world blinded until the first time you open your eyes it's nothing to seeing in hearing sometimes it can be sitting right in your face it's recognizing the weakend creativity of our human race not disfunctional maybe just a lil out of place just know that the love that I was giving has been mysteriously missed placed