Saudade (Portuguese-Galician) def.: Is an untranslatable word that means a deep melancholic or nostalgic yearning for something or someone from our past in which it revives in our memories of that event or with that person you loved. But repressed with the reality that those moments will never happen again, and those people are now gone and will never come back.
Pronunciation: Sau-dah-dee.
(Quick reminder: I do NOT own the characters of Shay Patrick Cormac, Achilles Davenport, and Hope Jensen presented in this story nor the music in the video, all credits go to Ubisoft and to Robert Gass respectively.)
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Convento do Carmo
Lisbon, Portugal
November 1st, Year of our Lord, 1765
...God has nothing to do with this...
...You made me slaughter innocents!...
...We are responsible for killing innocents and destroyed cities!...
...I cannot, I won't let this happen again!...
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(Chant at the Convent: Cantiga No. 100 - Santa Maria Strela do dia)
Santa Maria,
Strela do dia,
mostra-nos via
era Deus e nos guia.
Ca veer faze-los errados
que perder foran per pecados
entender de que mui culpados
son; mais per ti son perdõados
da ousadia
que lles fazia
fazer folia
mais que non deveria...
Holy Mary
Fair star of the day
Show us the way
And guide us to God
Make those who are in error see the light
Who were lost because of sin
FanfictionIt has been 10 years since the tragedy that destroyed the entire city of Lisbon, now Shay returns back to make amends and put to rest his guilt and mourn those who lost their lives.