You Belong With Me~

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Patrick and Daniel were cleaning out their dorm, a little spring cleaning.

Well Patrick was, Daniel was looking for something in their room.

"Here it is!" Daniel exclaimed quietly. He picked up a box from under the bed.

Patrick, having AirPods in, wasn't focusing on what Daniel was doing, only focused on cleaning the dishes in the kitchen.

Daniel left the bedroom with the box to join Patrick in the kitchen. He heard the boy humming to the tune of You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift.

At that moment, he had figured out the perfect idea to give him the gift.

Hiding the box in his pocket, he walked behind Patrick and hugged him from behind.

Patrick, already knowing what was happening, stop washing the dishes and leaned back on Keyu, continuing to him.

"Hi baby." Daniel whispered.

Patrick nodded, still humming.

"I have a surprise for you."

At that, Patrick stoped humming and moved forward to dry his hands on a nearby rack.

"What is it?" Patrick asked while cleaning his hands from soap suds.

"You'll see just give me one of the AirPods." ZhouKeyu asked, which Patrick obliged easily.

ZhouKeyu took Patrick's hand after he cleaned them and led them to the living room.

"Alexa, play You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift." ZhouKeyu commanded.

The Alexa on Patrick's phone began playing the song, and while Patrick was ready to sing the lyrics, Daniel had something else is mind.

"You're on the phone with your best friend , you're upset
You're going off about something that I said
'Cause I didn't understand your hints like now I do"

ZhouKeyu started singing, changing the lyrics of the song to fit him and Patrick.

Patrick was so amused that he sat down on the couch to watch.

"I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music he doesn't like
And he'll never know your story like I do"

'He' was referring to Jiayuan, Patrick's best friend but still ex boyfriend.

"But you want to stand up
I want to sit down
We call each other nasty but we still play around.
But I thank god everyday when I wake up and found
That you're what I needed for the rest of my life"

ZhouKeyu at this moment grabbed Patrick's hands to pull him up from the couch.

"If you could see that you're the one
Who understands me
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me"

Patrick had always been doubtful that Daniel didn't actually love him, even after almost a year of dating and 3 years of knowing each other.

Daniel doesn't understand why, but he'll gladly keep reminding Patrick that he loves him.

Because he genuinely does.

ZhouKeyu started dancing with Patrick around the living room, while continuing to sing.

"If I have to scream it everyday then I'll do it
I loved you all this time how could you not see?
You belong with me
We were meant to be"

Daniel stopped dancing Patrick and cupped his face with his hands.

"If you want me to sing it everyday then I'll do it
I loved you all this time please do you see?
You belong with me
We were meant to be"

"PP6D." Patrick ended, tears in his eyes.

"PP6D." Daniel repeated, pulling Patrick into a hug that the other boy gratefully took.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours until Daniel pulled out and pulled the box out of his jacket.

"Happy 1 year." Daniel whispered, moving his other hand to dry Patrick's tears.

"You're a month early." Patrick joked, but his voiced croaked by his happy crying.

"Not completely, this day a year ago I asked you out. You said yes a month later." ZhouKeyu reminded, which got him a playful punch from Patrick.

"Shut up, don't remind me." Patrick whined, fanning his eyes to stop them from tearing up. After assuring he wouldn't cry again he took the box from Daniel's hand and opened it.

"Oh my God Dan.." Patrick gasped, looking at the matching diamond rings. They sparkled under the daylight window, making them look beautiful.

"You're my star, my star should only get the best." Daniel said, like it's a fact.

Patrick, trying not to cry again, handed the box back to Daniel and asked, "Put it on for me?"

"My pleasure." Daniel took a ring out of the box and grabbed Patrick's left hand.  He slid the sting on his index finger, and kissed Patrick's hand afterward.

"You have such small fingers, babe. It's so cute." Daniel commented.

Patrick playfully groaned and took the other ring out of the box. "Shut up and let me put this for you."

ZhouKeyu put his hand out for Patrick to grab. The other boy repeated the same process, but instead of kissing Dan's head, he went on his tippy toes and kiss Daniel's cheek.

"Thank you...I love it." Patrick spoke softly.

Daniel kissed him passionately, it felt like fireworks from their first kiss almost a year ago.

They pulled back a moment later.

"I love you." Daniel spoke.

"I love you more." Patrick replied.

"I love you most." Daniel spoke back, engulfing Patrick in a hug. Patrick snuggling into it happily.

Best Cleaning Day ever.

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