A Phone Call

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*ring ring*

A phone began to ring in the living room. It was quite late and this was the only phone in the house.

*ring ring*

The moon was the only light source throughout the room, from what is visible from the side table where the phone sat, you could see the set of twin crushed velvet sofas, a small LCD television set, and the large radio that sat underneath it.

*ring ring*

There was something about old phones that were just obnoxious. Maybe it was the size, or the ringing itself, which was so loud that someone had to hear the phone. Someone had to pick up.

*ring ring*

Someone had to pick up the phone.

*ring ring*

Someone pick up the phone.


"Hello?" A groggy voice answered the phone, they don't get phone calls like this late at night. 

"Uncle Felix? It's Sophie."

Felix shook his head, trying to wake himself up. "Sophie? What are you doing calling my house this late? You should be asleep." He looked up at the wall clock at the kitchen.  2:06.

"I can't sleep." Sophie was barely six years old, she just got taught to use the phone by her mother Rosemary. Felix knew something had happened at home, it was a bad day of selling the company and Jack, Sophie's father, usually brought his frustration home.

Felix knew that in order to get Sophie to go to bed he would need to stay on the phone for a bit so that she could gain the courage to fall back to sleep on her own. He shuffled to the couch, sat down, and turned on the side table lamp. "Tell me what's wrong Soap, I'm all ears."

Sophie took a pause, she remembered that her Aunt Linda said that Sophie was bad a keeping secrets because she whispered so loud. With a quieter tone, Sophie began to speak. "Daddy yelled at me today. I thanked I was too loud when he came home. He seemed mad and didn't eat dinner. He didn't say goodnight to me." 

That was Jack, he was the type of person to let his emotions get the better of him. In their business meeting today it was the same thing, Jack got upset over the fact that the company him and Felix were talking to didn't allow the animatronics Jack had blueprinted.

"Well Sophie, he did have a bad day at work, he even got mad at me today! Can you believe it? His own best friend and partner?" Felix changed his voice to be a little more playful. Sophie giggled, there was something about Felix's voice that was funny to her went he changed his tone while speaking. "Tell me Soap, how was school today, what'd you do?" She went off about her day, Felix just sat there and listened because that's all he could to be there for her. She talked for a while, Felix checking the time as she continued on





She finished up with her laughing as quietly as she could, Felix chuckling along side her. "Ok Uncle Felix, I'm going to go back to sleep now. I'm very tired." She yawned, and so did Felix, he did just listen to a six year old talk for an hour about her day at elementary school. "Hey Sophie, before you go to bed." 

"Yes, Uncle Fel-" Another long yawn.

"How about I go pick you up in the morning and you and I can spend the day tomorrow. You know, come with me to the next place were thinking of buying. Your mom and dad can have a day alone in the house."

Sophie gasped, "Yes Uncle Felix yes!," she whispered loudly. She always loved going out just her and Felix, that meant it was burgers and ice cream.

"Ok Sophie, I'll call tomorrow and ask your dad, ok? I'll make him say he's sorry too." "Ok Uncle Felix, I will see you tomorrow!" She gently put down the phone back onto the receiver. She jumped off the couch and quietly ran upstairs to her room. She got into bed excited for the day out she was going to have with Felix. She loved her Uncle Felix, but she loved her parents too. Even though her dad got mad at her, she knew he still loved her.

Felix put the phone down on the receiver, got up, and turned off the lamp light. He shuffled down the hallway, back into his room where his wife Linda was up reading a book with her bedside lamp on. "Sophie?" She asked with a smile. "Yup," Felix groaned as he got back into their bed, "I'm going to go pick her up tomorrow, I'll take her to see that place outside downtown, the one me and Jack were going to go down and see. He had a bad day, so I'll give him and Rosemary some room." "That's nice hon."

A pause

"Do you want to come get lunch with us Linda? I actually thought it'd be nice to go see that record shop downtown. We'll spend the morning together. Just the three of us."

"I don't know Felix, it's supposed to be hot tomorrow."

Felix never really knew how to get Linda to get out of the house ever since she got a job with the newspaper,  she get's tired from all the gossip she has to go sniff out.

"How about after I drop Soap off at home, You and I, we'll go get dinner, I'll treat you too. How about, well- you choose. What ever you want Linny, I'll buy it for you."

Linda laughed, she did like that Felix took her nice dates like that, even if he had a long day like the one he'll have tomorrow. "Ok, Felix, I'll bite."

He smiled, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and rolled over to fall back asleep. "Goodnight Linda, I love you."

"I love you too Felix."

Linda put her book down onto her bedside table and turned her lamp off. She looked a Felix once more, smiled, and slumped down back to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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