Chapter I

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As you open your eyes in a still part-asleep mindset, you suddenly begin to realize that you are not in the room to which you had long been accustomed to. You blink rapidly before your thoughts kick in and you realize that you had moved house only yesterday.

You look around at the piles of cardboard boxes and sigh. You look at your watch and notice that it is quarter past seven in the morning, with a reluctant sigh you open the thick blackout curtains that are hurriedly drawn across the window, letting cracks of sunlight into the room.
'Urgh, I'm going hate myself for doing this,'  You think to yourself as you grip the edge of each curtain and pull them open at a speed that seems impossible for such a time of day. You stumble backwards, an array of expletives falling like a waterfall from your mouth as you feel like your retinas are being melted by the bright light. You cry out in shock and shield your eyes, pulling open the window with such force that you very nearly take it off of its hinges whilst doing so, it pulls up with an unoiled screech and you click it into place, testing it to see if it will stay. You do not want a repeat of the near-death experience which happened yesterday, when the window clamped down on your hand whilst you were having a cigarette out of the window. You wince and grip the ledge tight at the thought of the incident, your knuckles still ache with a dull pain which is really starting to bug you. You wait for your eyes to adjust to the sunlight and then rummage around in your rucksack for the carton of smokes that your mother doesn't know about and the silver flick lighter that your brother slipped to you on the sly before you left. You light up a cigarette and lean out of the window, so as not to let your mother see or smell that you've been smoking. As you lean out of the window, the snow covered streets strike awe into you. As a big city kid, you've only ever seen snow slush on the roads and so the snow is an odd sight for you. You feel wisps of fresh air fall over you and you shiver, the feeling makes you feel odd as the smell of heavy petrol falls from your nose. Children of your own age and older begin to appear in the streets, many of them being the types that you usually wouldn't associate with. You scan through them and see all kinds. Emos, vamps, posers and others flow past and a few even look up at you.

One boy in particular catches your attention, he has short black and red hair with a long fringe that covers one eye and deathly pale skin.

You glance at him silently and he does so back, his tired green eyes rimmed with a mix of insomnia and black eyeliner. He is dressed in very much the same style as you. A slate grey hooded sweatshirt with black skinny leg jeans and purple and black boots.

The way that he is looking at you is making you a little nervous, as if he is trying to figure you out. He takes a final drag of his cigarette and puts it out against your mailbox. His face contorting into something that looks like curiosity. You can do nothing but stare at each other, neither of you have the courage to speak. He looks as if genuinely intrigued yet at the same time almost disinterested by you, the kind of look that you would give if you were to expect somebody to attack you, but didn't want to show them that you were afraid.

Your thoughts are suddenly broken by a horrific screech of a voice from the house next door.

"Peter! Peter Adam Redd, you get inside! NOOW!"

"Fuck off!" he responds, turning and walking into the garden of the house next door "You're not the fucking boss of meh!"

He begins rowing with a person that you can't see and storms into what you assume is the gate to his back yard. Disappearing out of view.

It doesn't take long before you hear both the voices yelling at each other again.

"Fuck you!" yells the boy

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" yells the other, which you now can plainly tell belongs to an adult woman.

You pull on a coat and quietly make your way downstairs, you unlock the back door and step out into the bitter cold air. Both are going at each other like cat and dog, screaming at each other until the woman finally has enough.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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