sentinel intelligence

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Crystal Maiden

Rylai Crestfall

    * Affiliation: Sentinel

    * Attack Animation: 0.55 / 0

    * Damage: 38 - 44

    * Casting Animation: 0.3 / 2.4

    * Armor: 1.3

    * Base Attack Time: 1.7

    * Movespeed: 280

    * Missile Speed: 900

    * Attack Range: 600

    * Sight Range: 1800 / 800

The Crystal Maiden is a powerful disabler and support spellcaster. Each of her offensive spells impairs the target in some way, making her a valuable addition to any lineup. Crystal Nova allows her to blast multiple enemies with chilling damage, and Frostbite completely stops a single target enemy from moving for several seconds. Freezing Field causes immense damage and slows everything in a large area around Rylai, but her natural fragility makes it a difficult spell to use to its full effect. Despite the usefulness of all of her spells to her allies, perhaps her greatest asset to her team is Brilliance Aura. This aura gives all allies across the map a significant boost to their mana regeneration, giving them plenty of energy to use their own spells no matter where they are. Although she tends to take on a supportive role, the Crystal Maiden is still one of the most valuable heroes for any team.

Adept in the manipulation of frost and ice, Rylai is the very image of elegeance and grace. Trained by a renegade wizard deep in the heart of Winterspring, Rylai brings to the Sentinel her prowess in the arts of magic. With a vast arsenal of spells, she wreaks havoc upon her foes - be it with powerful blasts of frost to send them fleeing in panic, or be it by rendering them immobile in ice. Her foes tremble in fear as the ground beneath implodes in mighty novas of frost in a dazzling array, obliterating all who dare oppose her.

Crystal Nova

    * Ability Type: Active

    * Targeting Type: Area

    * Ability Hotkey: V

Blasts enemy units around a target point with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement speed and attack rate for 4 seconds.

    * Level

    * Mana Cost

    * Cooldown

    * Casting range

    * Area of Effect

    * Duration

    * Allowed Targets

    * Effects

    * 1

    * 100

    * 15 seconds

    * 700

    * 400

    * 3.5 seconds

    * Enemy units

    * 100 damage and chill

    * 2

    * 120

    * 15 seconds

    * 700

    * 400

    * 4 seconds

    * Enemy units

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2011 ⏰

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