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At first I was surprised- no wait- terrified to see him. His black wings and red eyes were the first thing that had caught my attention. The next thing was his skin tone...beyond pale.

I wanted to shout, to scream for help but...something in his eyes...told me not to. They seemed need of some kind of comfort. Sakura had always told me I was too kind...heh, she was right.

I had decided to let him live with me on my home, a secret from my family. I kept him in the attic and covered every window, he said the sun made his skin feel funny.

Every day after school I go upstairs and feed him. Its been almost a month and I still can't talk to him. He tries but...I feel so awkward and always leave before a single word leaves his pale lips.


*poke* "H-Hinata-chan"

My eyes open slowly. His figure blurry at first but as my eyes adjust I can make him out. His long raven hair tickling my nose.

My eyes widen as realization hit me. The thing I've been hiding in my attic is out. He is a boy, he is in my room. My cheeks heat up "wha-"

"I wanna show you something" he whispers.

Its dark but I can see him biting his lip nervously, hoping I say yes. His red eyes seemed to be the only thing glowing in my dark room. They also seemed to be praying I say yes. ☻

Before I knew it I was in the air. Soaring through clouds and touching the heavens above. I clung to him tightly. Not wanting to die. My eyes tightly shut in fear of what's beneath me.

We stopped. "Open your eyes" he whispers in my ear.

I nod and slowly allow my eyes to once again open. I gasp, the view is breath taking. All the lights, every building....

It looks like a dream. The dark sky, stars sprinkled upon it, only add to the glorious sight. The town was beautifully lit. Cars passing filled with people that are trying to get to work or leaving it.

"Its beautiful isn't it" he says. I turn to him and nod, he's been stating at me. I can tell...

He lands on a roof top of a building. There's a picnic like set up. I look at him confused " never talk to me so...I was hoping I could...get to know you" he says while rubbing the back of his neck.

I look back at the picnic and then at him "o-okay" I say giving a small smile.

We sit and eat the sandwiches and drink our melon Ramune soda. Mainly he talks about all the kinds of food he likes, he names A LOT.  He suddenly stops. "My name is Sasuke by the way" he says looking up at the stars. I nod "Sasuke..." He looks back at me "yes?"

"I w-was wondering...i-is there m-more?"

"More what?"

"W-well..more o-of your kind"

He looks back at the stars and a smile forms on his lips, "pffft, species was wiped out years ago...damn hunters thought we were bad news..."

I can see tears forming in his eyes. One single drop runs down as he continues to stare at the moon that hung over us.

"But I guess I can understand...we are monsters" he said, now looking down at his long, black claw like nails.

"You're not a monster..." I whisper.

"That was the first thing you said to shouted monster until you fainted..."

"I-I didn't mean it as-"

"Am I really that grotesque?" He held a smile, even if I knew he was dying to frown.

I shake my head "n-no"

"Why dies everyone hate me? Hinata-chan....why does everyone scream at the sight of me, why is everyone's first instinct is to kill me..."

I didn't bother thinking. Within a second my arms wrapped around his torso. My face burried in his chest "y-you are n-not a monster" I whisper as tears leak from my eyes.

Its quite for a bit, and the embrace was one sided. After a few seconds I could feel his hand on my back, soothing me. Then, both his arms wrapped around me. Tightening his grip and resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Sasuke..." I whisper once more, closing my eyes.


I must've fallen asleep because I woke up and the sun was rising above the horizon. I feel warm...oh, that's right I think back to last night. I look up and see Sasuke's face. He's still sleeping. 

I nudge him a bit "hey...S-Sasuke" I say as I nudge him a bit more. His eyes slowly open and stare at me. At first I expected him to push away but his eyes quickly darted to the sun. They widened and his grip on me tightened "we need to go' he says standing up, carrying me bridal style.

I hang onto him as we scatter through my window and he rushes to his secure, dark attic.

I sigh as I get into bed. Was last night real? Did he really open up like that? He's so... Sweet. I expected a..... "a monster" Sasuke's voice rings in my ears.

"'re not a monster" I whisper to myself "you're more human than any of us" I say closing my eyes.

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Tysm for reading!!!!!
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I hope you enjoyed also its 5:41am so sorry for any typos (ó﹏ò。)

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