Chapter Five "Dream or Nightmare"

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[21th June 2020,Monday]
{12:50 p.m.}

"The one who is doing all of this is one of us" Socks said,making everyone froze and stared at him. "We all know Wloof doesn't trust people easily. From what we heard from Joocie, it may be possible that Wloof was talking to the murderer." Socks explained.

Seeing no one spoke,Socks continued. "We didn't know what happened in there but we do know the murderer was the one attacked Wloof" Socks sighed. "I won't point fingers to anyone so we must caution even right now since the murderer is probably listening to us"  Socks said, looking at everyone.

Everyone expect Wloof which was in his room were now in the living room discussing the situation. So far, everyone had confirmed that the murderer was one of them.

"Did you guys find anything outside?" Joocie asked the group who went outside earlier. Meme shook his head. "No. Since we didn't know the details about this island, we can't really find any clues"

"From now on, try to stay with someone wherever we are so the murderer won't take action" Laff suggested. "It is almost 1pm so we better have lunch first before we do anything else"

"Somebody go get Wloof- we can't leave him alone in the room again or else the murderer might take action on him again" Tbh exclaimed.

[21th June 2020,Monday]
{3:00 p.m.}

After lunch, everyone decided to just stay in the mansion for today. Socks headed straight to his bedroom that he shared with Joocie and just laid down on his soft bed. His thoughts wondered about who's next in line of the victim as his eyes closed.

"He isn't breathing!!!"Meme shouted. "What do you mean he isn't breathing!? Do CPR or something then!!!" Socks yelled, totally shocked about the scene. "Nadwe! Nadwe!! Nadwe!!! Wake up please!!!" Muffin pleased as he shake the unconscious cold dripping wet body. "He- He's too far gone...." Meme whispered but was clearly heard by everyone. "W-What...? He can't be gone!?" Blaza exclaimed. "It-it is too late..." Socks mumbled. "Nadwe drowned and is gone forever..."

Socks gasped as he woke up and sat up from his bed. He looked around and found himself back in his bedroom. "Nadwe drowned...? Wasn't it Dino that drowned..?" Socks thought as he proceeded the dream or nightmare he just got. He sat there blankly for a long time and was snapped out of thoughts when Joocie came in.

"Hey there,Socks. Didn't Laff told us not be alone today?" Joocie said as he walked in the room. "Oh-umm- sorry... I kinda got tired and went straight to bed..." Socks lied. Joocie raised an eyebrow at him but didn't questioned him. Socks went back at thinking about his dream/nightmare and sighed aloud.

(What do you guys think about the dream/nightmare? Comment here before you continued reading)
-No cheating :(

[21th June 2020,Monday]
{7:00 p.m.}

Everyone was in the dining room, eating their dinners. The gang was trying to act normal like usual to not let Wloof suspected anything suspicious. Socks was not acting normal,in fact the dream/nightmare he had at afternoon was bugging him all day and he seems to can't let it go. Luckily, it didn't earn Wloof's suspicious but another friend suspicious.

"So... do you guys wanna do anything after dinner? Like go outside for a walk or something?" Wloof asked/suggested. Silence was filled in the room after that. "We could hang out at the living room" Blaza quickly said. "It's quite dark outside right now so I think hanging out at the living room is better" Meme added.

"Ok then" Wloof replied as some of them sighed in relief. "It is evening and it's still bright outside..." Socks thought as he looked at the nearby window. After a while, everyone had put their dishes in the sink and let the last person who ate finish cleans it. Which it was sadly Socks...

Socks didn't mind it at all and started washing the dishes while the others were hanging out at the living room (or calming down) He was still lost in thoughts about his dream/nightmare that he didn't noticed someone walking up to him from behind. He didn't even noticed his shadow.


Socks got snapped out of his thoughts as he flinched and turned to the direction of the voice. He breathed in relief as he saw it was just one of his friends. "You scared me, you know...." Socks said,kinda annoyed. "You wouldn't got scared if your didn't got lost in thoughts so much" his friend said in annoyed too.

"How did you..." Socks asked but was interrupted. "We need to talk,Socks" his friend said in a serious tone. "What is it,Nadwe?" Socks asked as he closed the tap water. "Never heard of him so serious before" Socks thought to himself.

"You know something" Nadwe said. "Know what?" Socks asked as he looked at him. "You know something about what is happening, do you?" Nadwe asked again. "I-" Socks mumbled as he knew what Nadwe is talking about. "You make us board the boat late yesterday.Before Dino drowned, you told me not to go near the pool. When we found Dino died,you kept silent and the Socks I knew would freak out if we are in that situation" Nadwe explained.

Socks kept silent as he was shocked about what Nadwe said. "Today morning, while we were arguing,you kept silent again and normally you would try to stop or join the argument." Nadwe continued. "All of us knew you love adventures but today you decided to stay back in the mansion and not go outside to look for clues"

Socks was processing Nadwe's words and it was all true. He was trying to act normal to everyone to hide his 'time travel' secret but failed at a few parts. "Socks... I'm not accusing you. I just wanna to know why are you like this. I know some of us change after Dino died but some happened before it." Nadwe paused as he looked directly at Socks's brown eyes.

"Could you tell me what's wrong with you?" Nadwe asked.

"Should I trust him...? One of us in the gang is the murderer/killer..." Socks thought. He looked at Nadwe once more. "He's just a 14 year old kid..."  Socks sighed as he thought again.

"Fine- I'll tell you what I'm hiding"

Chapter Five ♥️ !!!

Summary: Socks got a dream/nightmare about someone else drowning instead of Dino. He was lost in thoughts all time and the person who was suspicious about him before finally talked to him in personal.

Did you think before about the person who was suspicious about Socks? Now he is finally reviewed!!!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! 😊

Words Count: 1147

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