Chapter 1.

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Today would be my first day working as Mr.Styles' personal assistant. He fired his assistant last week and for an unknown reason he chose me to be his new personal assistant, not that I'm complaining. The job pays much more money than the normal assistant job I used to have and the best thing is that, being his personal assistant you get to go with him on every trip he makes. So that means that I get to travel all around the word, for work of course, but I still get to visit new places I've never been before!

I quickly walked to the front door of the building, I had two minutes left or I'll be late. I made my way to the elevator just in front of the gigantic front doors. The doors of the elevator opened once again,signaling that I was in the last floor of the building which happens to be exactly were Mr.Styles' office is at.

I knocked twice on the doors that guided to Mr.Styles' huge office, a tall, handsome teenager came out of it, gently opening the doors for me. I murmured a quiet 'thank you' to the good-looking lad who seems to be around my age.

The guy immediately walked out and I walked in, almost run to meet with my boss, Mr.Styles. His chair was turned opposites me, he was looking at the amazing view of London city from his window.

"You're late." He wasn't even looking at me, his hard words being the first thing I heard from him.

"I know Mr.Styles, I'm so sorry. It won't happen again." I was quick to answer, I just hoped he didn't care much about my lateness.

"It better not." He turned his chair around, facing me, an angry frown evident on his face. He was wearing the usual, a black suit, white button-up shirt and a black tie. His curly hair tied up in a man-bun. "I need you to help me with some papers here." He said with a better attitude this time, a kind attitude.

"Of course sir, what do you need help with?" I tried my best to sound professional as I asked him, I don't want him to think that I'm taking this as a game or something.

"I just need you to check these papers, see if each one has my signature on it and when you're done just leave them here." He handed me little pile of papers, there were about 100 papers in the pile, not much.

He looked down at whatever he was doing, then looked at me again. I supposed he saw the confusion on my face as he sigh.

"You see that door over there?" He pointed at a mysterious black door in the right wall of his office. I nodded my head making him know I was aware the door was there. "That's youroffice. That's where you go to do your work." The sarcasm was clear in his husky deep voice. I must have looked like an idiot right now, I'm sure he finds this funny.

"Right. My office." I made my way to my office as quickly as possible.

Wow. This office was huge, it was like half of Mr.Styles' office. In the right side corner was a nice, modern, white desk. A black leather chair that seems comfortable behind the white desk. A couple black sofas, and some weird black and white paintings hanging in the walls. I like it, there's basically no more colour than black and white, but it's classy and professional.

A ring on the phone located on the desk was heard. I grabbed the phone, not sure how to answer it.

"Hiiii! I mean Yeah? No, not that..." I have no idea on what to say, "Hello. This is Bella." That was definitely the right thing to say, I should have thought about it sooner.

"Bella it's me." Fuck, it was Mr.Styles. "I was just gunna tell you that I'll give you a tour around here and I'll explain to you everything you have to do." His deep voice sounded throughout the phone.

"Right now?" I asked him.

"Yes Bella, right now." Oh no, I think I made him mad.

"O-okay sir, right now. I'll be out right now." I hurriedly hung up the phone, not letting him say another word.

I walked out of my office just to see him standing right in front of my office door. His hands shoved in the pockets of his black pants, his face red from madness, and his eyes a darker shade of his normal emerald green colour. He looked at me, obviously pissed.

"You don't hung up the phone whenever you pleased to, I hung up the phone. You do as I say, when I say it." He grabbed me by my wrist and throw me into one of the black leather sofas, similar to the one in my office.

"Yes, sir." He was now on top of me, his hands grabbing me by my wrist as his noticeable angry face was facing mine, his nose touching mine, his breathing and mine becoming one.

"You've been a bad girl..." Biting his bottom lip, his green eyes glued to my brown ones. "Do you know what bad girls get?" I shook my head no.

"What...what do bad girls get?" I don't know where I got the confidence to say that, but I know that when I said it his lips turned into a huge smirk.

"They get punished." The annoying smirk still evident on his face. He wasted no time and pushed his lips to mine. He didn't get a response from me, knowing that I wasn't going to kiss him back, his hands went straight to my tight, pressing his fingers filmy in my inner tight as he squeezed my thigh making me groan, letting his skillful tongue into my mouth. I didn't have much of an option but to kiss him back.

The kiss was rough, his lips were soft and they tasted like cherry and mint but the kiss itself was lustful and rough. Full of madness and passion.

Mr.Styles let his hands wander around my body, his hands went up to my chest where he squeezed and massaged. Wasting absolutely no time he took my blazer off and throw it somewhere in his office, as he was about to grab the hem of my pink shirt and possibly take it off, a knock coming from his office door interrupted his actions, making both of us jump off each other.

I hope you liked it. Please vote and comment! -Bo.

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