Hello, rexarie again! I'm currently on the bus listening to some bops. My phone is on 38%, It's been an hour and I still have about three or four hours left. Yay me. . .note the sarcasm. I am soooo annoyed! This rather big guy decided that it would be okay to sit next to me. When there's literally other open seats up ahead. Yes there are people occupying the other seats in the rows. But why sit next to meeeee! Mind you I'm sitting in the very back to avoid people to sit next to me but I guess my luck wasn't it today :D Other than that the ride has been rather chill. I cannot wait to be home. I got my learner's permit like two weeks ago and I wasn't really able to drive because I came here to New York. So I cannot wait to get some driving in. New York was really fun but it made me realize that I don't really favor the city life. I enjoy the surburbs more and being abe to travel to the city in less then an hour and 30 minutes max. I wished that there wasn't an overcast every single day, the sun would've made days 10 times more fun because it lifts up the vibes. To past time on this boring bus ride, I was looking up how to manifest someone. I wanted to get some more pointers and tips on how to manifest someone to talk to and boy I am so ready to manifest Mr. Super Star into my life hehe.
That's all for now!