Chapter 1

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You were running as fast as you could trying not to trip over roots sticking out from the ground. You kept Turing around trying to see if he was chasing after you until you ran into something and fell to the floor. "Woah love what's the rush" said a low voice above you. You looked up and saw a man he held out a hand and you took it .
"Thank you"your voice was hoarse like and the man could tell you weren't at ease.
"You alright there" he asks looking at you with concern. "I'm Killian Jones but you can call me Hook or captain Hook."
You smiled faintly "I'm y/n."
"Nice you meet you y/n. Now tell me what's gotten you all shaken up" Killian said.
"Well you see there's this person chasing after me. He everywhere and I can't escape him thankfully I found you" you said calming down.
"Let me guess the person chasing after you looked like a teenage boy" Killian said with a stern look on his face.
"Yeah how did you know" you asked.
"That y/n is not someone you shouldn't mess with. That's Peter Pan and don't let him fool you he may look young but he's not" Killian said this while putting a hand on your shoulder. At first you thought he was joking, Peter Pan seriously thats a kids book, but the look in his eyes told you that this wasn't a joke.

Killian was saying something when your eyes began to feel heavy and soon you were in a deep sleep. You couldn't remember anything else after that but what you woke up to sent shivers down your spine.

Your eyes were flickering open and you were in what looks like a cage made of sticks. You tried to find a way to escape until a boy came along.
" ah your awake." He said smirking looking down at you through cage bars.
"Obviously I'm wake" you said trying not to let you guard down but inside your heart was beating so fast it was hard to even hear your own thoughts.
"Feisty one aren't you" he said with a bit a chuckle in there.
"Who are you?" You asked.
"Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan" he said smirking and raising and eyebrow.
"Is there a reason I'm here" you asked being less calm than before. Peter Pan that's what killian said he as called and not to mess with him.
"Hang her she asks way too many questions" he demanded tapping on the cage and walking away.
"Wait no please" you shouted but it was too late they already started moving your cage up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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