Behind the Pizza Counter

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I would recommend watching the movies before reading this.
Instead of Ziggy just saying "tag your it" to Nick Goode at the mall, this is if she were to have time to go off on him. Enjoy<3

While we were waiting behind the pizza counter waiting for Nick to show up, I gave myself a moment to really think about what had just happened, 4 of the worst serial killers who had ever been in Shadyside were all here in the same building, poor Sarah Frier, who I had blamed for the past 16 years had nothing to do with the murder of my sister, and worst of all, the person who I had the most mixed emotions with, both love and resentment, was behind all of it. This would be the same person we are waiting around for, aka Nick.

I thought about our time together at camp, how he had stuck up for me when no one else did, helped me get back at stupid Sheila, hell he even let himself get hit by Tommy's axe just so I could get away, even if he was the reason Tommy went psychotic in the first place, but that's besides the point.

What hurt the most is I knew that he actually liked me, back then and now. He had helped me in every way he knew to get me out alive, and it was obvious he was at least a little guilty about sending Tommy after all of us. After all, I finally under stood why he said "I have let enough people die tonight" and how his family "legacy" was depending on him. Thats what hurt to look back on, it was all infront of my face, yet somehow I still missed it.

And just the other day he had come to my house and dropped off a letter telling me about the murders. At first I thought this was him telling me to be extra careful, but now I didn't know what to make of it, I just knew if ment he was thinking of me.

I quickly snapped myself out of my optimism. I don't care if he had regretted his decision, or if he felt guilty, even if he had lives to mourn. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could ever make up for murdering my sister. That is how I knew, I was going to kill Nick Goode, I was going to make him pay.

Hey guys, this is my first ever fanciction so I you have any suggestions please lmk!


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