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Trevor never thought his heart could ache this much. Once happy memories were now clouded with smoke and screams. He usually tried not to dwell on the fact that he was the last surviving Belmont, but that had never been more apparent than it was now. Sifting through the library in the runes of his old home. How many of them had there been? So many he couldn't remember all their names, and now he truly had no one. Well, not exactly.

He cast a glance towards Sypha and Alucard, reading through one of the many books and giggling to each other.

Trevor sighed. This place used to be full of laughter and games. There were enough hiding places he could play hide and seek with his cousins for hours, and never reuse the same spot. Sometimes, he swears he can see them out of the corner of his eye, peaking out from behind various bookshelves. Or perhaps he only wished he sees them, but if ever there were a haunted house, it would be this one.

"Why is it that you constantly have that pitifully constipated look on your face?" Alucard asked smugly. Trevor sneered.

"Because I've been pumped full of your bullshit these past few days," he snapped back, making Sypha giggle. Usually he would smile at the small victory.

They went back to scanning the shelves and side rooms, sometimes splitting up or pairing off to cover more ground. Unfortunately, he was with Alucard at the moment.

"You've been insufferably moody as of late," he noted. Trevor rolled his eyes.

"Gee I fucking wonder why." And then the bastard had the gall to prop his elbow on his shoulder.

"Well, I guess a fate like this is to be expected for a family of monster hunters." That made him stop in his tracks, balling his hands into fists at his side.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh please, I know your ears work fine, don't make me repeat myself," Alucard said with a slight smirk. Seeing all those vampire skulls on display really ticked him off, and what good will he had towards the Belmont had been diminished significantly, at least for the time being.

Trevor's eye twitched. "I ought to knock you right on that flat ass of yours, but we have more important things to do," he growled, turning his back to him. He scanned the books in front of him, mumbling the titles under his breath to calm himself.

"Then why don't you?" he asked, voice almost a purr.

Because I can't find it in me to care. Because it's not worth the effort, he thought. "I just fucking told you if you'd listen to a damn thing I say." Sypha listened from one shelf over with a small frown on her face.

"Oh come on Trevor, you love a good fight," he said. It was true, and the fact he gave up so easily and wouldn't fall for his goading concerned him. Through he wouldn't voice it aloud.

"Knock it off Alucard, I'm not in the mood," he said, annoyance clear in his voice. Okay, that was really concerning. Still, the vampire continued to prod him.

"Really? You won't fight me?" When Trevor shook his head, he smirked, fangs peaking out just barely. "Not even if I... wiped a booger on you?" he teased, jokingly reaching for his nose. Trevor's face scrunched in disgust and he snatched the other man's wrist in a death grip.

"Do that and I fucking snap your neck like a toothpick," he sneered, really not in the mood for his games.

Sypha called from the next row over, "There will be no neck snapping!" The two men froze, staring at each other for a moment before Alucard fell into soft snickers, and even Sypha's quiet giggles could be heard. But Trevor only rolled his eyes with a half smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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