15: Sungjae

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Third Person POV

" So now it's time to solve the case." Namjoon said.

" You should go back to your homes kids. We will look after this matter." He continued making the four boys frown.

They were all excited to help the police officer and the detective solve the case. It's not everyday that something like this happened in their lives. Plus they want to set Taehyung free from that mobile. They want to help Taehyung come back to his normal human form.

" Why can't we help you!?" Jimin whined and his boyfriend's cooed at him. " Now's not the time." He glared back at his boyfriends.

" Yeah Mr. Kim, please let us help you." Jungkook said politely. He is actually never so polite to anyone but Namjoon and Seokjin are Taehyung's family so he has to be polite.

" Look kids, this case is deep. We don't want to involve you all. It might risk all of you as well." Jin said.

" We don't care. We have done many illegal thi- Ouch!" Yoongi started but Jimin stomped on his foot making him Yelp in pain.

Namjoon raised his eyebrow.

" Idiot." Jimin muttered under his breath.

" Have you done anything illegal young man?" Namjoon asked Yoongi who laughed awkwardly.

" N-No Mr. Kim." Yoongi stuttered.

" Please let us help Mr. Kim. We really want to help Taehyung. Please!" All of them pleaded the couple who finally sighed in defeat.

" Fine! But only on one condition." Namjoon said making the four boys happy.

" You all have to call us hyungs. Only then we will let you help us." Namjoon smiled and the four boys nodded quickly.

" Jungkook you have to keep Taehyung here by the way." Jin suddenly announced making Jungkook's smile drop.

" Uh- but-"

" I have to ask him some questions." Jin cut him.

" But how will you talk to him without me?" Jungkook asked while looking at Taehyung. He wants Taehyung to be with him for every second.

" Didn't you say that he had a conversation with Yoongi from chats? We will have the same." Jin replied.

" And four of you. Come here tomorrow morning at 10 if you want to help." Namjoon said.

" Now shoo." Jin said said and shooed them away from the house keeping Taehyung with him.





















The four of them reached the Kim house before the given timing. If someone who knew them heard that they came early than expected, they would have laughed at the person who told them that.

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