「 𝙳𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎. 」

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That's all I was doing. I had to catch up to her. I also need to breathe. After what felt like hundred years I got closer to the gate. There was pin-drop silence except for my laboured breathing. I slowed down and frantically searched for her. I heard the gravel crunch under my feet as I walked closer and closer.
"Ugh-" I heard in the distance. My eyes widened. Y/n! I ran to the sight and saw the guards lying unconscious on the floor. What shocked me the most was when Y/n got out her Kunai and was ready to slash their throats. I held her hand just in time before the cold, sharp metal could touch their necks.
"Y/n! What are you doing?!" I couldn't make out her expression as her front hair covered the side of her face.
"It has nothing to do with you." She replied in a monotonous voice. She removed her hand from my grip and walked past me.
"Y/n, wait! Why are you...leaving?" My voice softened. She stopped walking.
"I have better things to do than live in this pathetic village. Seeing you all laugh and enjoy life like nothing's wrong..." She tilted slightly towards me, "...it disgusts me." The moonlight reflected off her headband...but something was different about it. A line. A line going straight across the leaf village symbol, "Now if you're done, I have much more important things to do than talk to you."
"Y/n! You can't leave. W-What about Mitsuki? What about Team 7? Sarada, Sensei, Sasuke-san...me...? Was it all..." I looked down with my eyes wide.
"A lie?" She completed my sentence, "Not entirely."
"What does that mean?"
"I got distracted and forgot about the main goal, the reason I came here. I have decided to get back to it."
"What reason? What goal?" I asked.
"Why do you keep sticking your nose in my business?"
"Because I care. We all do Y/n. Just please don't go. We'll all figure out a solution!"I pleaded. Her red eyes glowed in the night as she just glanced at me like I meant nothing to her.
"You really are annoying." Those words hit me like a truck. She just smirked at me while I felt my vision blur. I closed my eyes and took a sharp breath in as I felt her teleport behind me.
"Come back please..." I don't think I can stop her, "Would you come back? Is there anything I can do to help...?"
"At least answer me, Y/n." The hard wind blew on my face as she took her time to answer my question.
"So naive." She chuckled as I felt a sharp pain in my neck, "Th..." She whispered one last thing before I fell to the ground. My eyes closed for a couple of seconds as I felt something wet fall on my cheek. Is it raining? I laid there, watching her get further and further away until I could no longer keep my eyes open.
"Dammit, Y/n..."

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"Boruto!" I felt someone slap my cheek lightly. I opened my eyes to see Sakura-san, "Are you okay? Hinata, Hima, Sarada and I were searching for you." She said, worriedly. She helped me get up from the cold ground.
"Where's Y/n?" Was the first thing I asked.
"I don't know but why were you lying on the floor-" She stopped talking as she saw the look on my face. She got her hand up and put it on my shoulder, "Hey, what happened?"
"Y/n..." I clenched my fist, "...left."

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Sarada's Pov.

"We're here!" I said as Mitsuki and I entered the Hokage's office. Mama, Boruto, Shikamaru-san were there too. Boruto looked depressed and Mama was comforting him about something. Shikamaru-san and Nanadaime wore a serious expressions. I looked at Mitsuki, he looked as confused as me, "What's happening...?" I asked hesitantly.
"We're waiting for Sasuke and then I'll start." I looked towards Boruto but he won't look me in the eye. What's so serious that even Papa has to come back? Just then the door opened and papa came in. He looked at all of us but his eyes stopped at Mama and Boruto.
"I came as fast as I could." He said, "What's the emergency?" Nanadaime interlocked his hands and placed them on the desk.
"Y/n left the village."
"..." I looked at Papa as his eyes widened. Then at Mitsuki.
"I'm not sure I heard that right..." Mitsuki sounded furious as he put his hand on the desk. Shikamaru-san crossed his hands and sighed.
"You heard it correctly. Y/n left the village." He repeated.
"Shikamaru," Nanadaime warned. Shikamaru-san sighed again and kept quiet. Nanadaime was about to say something but another voice spoke up.
"I'm sorry..." Mitsuki's head snapped towards Boruto. He was still not making eye contact with any of us.
"Why the hell are you sorry?" I saw a blue aura coming off of him.
"Calm down, Mitsuki," Papa said. He looked at Boruto, "Can you explain what happened?" Boruto slowly nodded his head.
"I went to her house to invite her over for dinner but found the door open. I went inside to look for her but found a note instead," He got out a small piece of paper from his pocket and placed it on the table, "It says that she was leaving. I didn't know how much time I had, she would've left if I had called someone so I decided to check for myself. I reached the gate and I saw her almost kill the guards but I stopped her just in time," Mitsuki looked like he was about to kill anyone who dared talked of him. Boruto explained the rest of the conversation between them while all of us just listened in shock, "...in the end, I could only see her walk away." He closed his eyes in frustration. Mama glanced at Papa as they shared a silent conversation.
"What are we going to do?" I asked, no one in particular.
"Mitsuki," Nanadaime called, "Contact Orochimaru, Karin and Suigetsu. We're going there." Shikamaru-san's head shot towards Nanadaime the second those words left his mouth.
"What? We need to find her immediately-" Nanadaime got his hand out to stop him.
"Take care of the village while I'm gone, Shikamaru. Ask Ino to initiate code yellow and ask Sai to dispatch anbu. Make sure this is done quietly so the citizens of the village are not affected. Konohamaru will help you out." Nanadaime grabbed his cloak, ready to go.
"We are coming too," I said determinedly.
"No, you're going to stay-" Nanadaime once again cut off Shikamaru-san.
"You all will be coming." He turned to Shikamaru-san, "Y/n is their close friend after all. You can't expect them to stay put. It'll be better if they're with us instead of them getting in trouble another way. Let's go, Sakura-chan, Sasuke, Boruto, Mitsuki, Sarada."

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