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—— playlist : "set fire to the rain" (Adele)

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—— playlist : "set fire to the rain" (Adele)

Exactly three years ago.

"Sunoo have you been practicing the piano?" His "father" ( adoptive father ) questioned him,sitting next to the young male who was sitting in front of the piano.

Sunoo gulped, nodding his head. "Is that so? Please play La Campanella for me, you've been practicing for 8 weeks already."

La Campanella by Liszt was the hardest piece any pianist could master, Sunoo was a very talented player. He was very skilled to the point where he could practice the hardest piano pieces in the world.

Sunoo placed his fingers on the keys and started to play, he planted his eyes on the paper then back on the piano which he had smoothly moving his fingers against.

His father closed his eyes, his head trailed up and down listening to the difficult yet beautiful symphony coming from none other but the work of his son's mastered fingers.

Sunoo missed a key, his father shot his eyes open in displeasure giving him a sharp look. "I thought you perfected it."

"I-i I'm sorry, I'm t-trying but it's very hard." Sunoo shakily breathed out towards the angered male. His father pointed a finger towards Sunoo's face in which sunoo closed his eyes knowing what he was going to hear.

The words he's been hearing his whole life ever since he was a kid, "DISAPPOINTMENT. You never fail to disappoint me." Yells wavered across the room.

—- 🚨 abuse, please don't read if you will get triggered. I'll remind when it's safe —-

His father clutched onto his shirt's collar, "IS THIS HOW I RAISED YOU." The man hurled a punch towards his son's face.

Sunoo stumbled back, his body landed on the floor. His father threw another strong punch, the side of Sunoo's lips started to bleed.

His mother (adoptive) entered the room watching the scene between his father and him, "disappointing that we have to do this to you." His mother spoke while whipping cream onto her desserts, unbothered seeing her son get bloody beaten.

"I'll have you bloody dead if you don't finish that piece, don't disappoint me you nothing of a son." He spat, his mother left with a tray of desserts in her hand.

—- safe —-

The single stray tear that he had held finally released from the corner of his eyes, sunoo harshly wiped down his liquid from his eyes.

The emotionless boy made his way towards the mirror, rubbing the side of his lips that were injured. "I want to die." He desperately spoke out, looking at his bland eyes in the mirror, that voice...he was tired. Tired of everything.

But he didn't want to give up, he didn't want to give up life yet. He wanted to find his birth parents and go back to them, even though he accepted the fact that they abandoned him they didn't care.

La Campanella...

Was his worst nightmare. Never ever, will he play that piece again.

—— present, morning

"So...Soobin. When were you going to tell me that you have a girlfriend? Yang Jiyeon."

Soobin chocked on the food he eating, "how do you know?!"

"You're dating my friend's sister, he thought I knew but I didn't. Isn't that nice, somebody's in loveeeeee." I squealed, shaking my brother.

The male chuckled, "ah, you wimp I can't believe you found out. I'm going to scold Jungwon when I see him again."

I shook my head, "I'll be heading to school alone, you guys don't need to walk me I think I got the hang of it, plus my friend lives near me."

"You made a friend?!?? After like 3 years of being a loner you finally get a friend, but at the end of highschool...really?"

"Hey who are you to judge at least I made some before graduating, you wouldn't understand. I'll be off now, love you." I waved, stepping out of my house.


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