Chapter One

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3rd Person POV

Jungkook exited his classroom with a confused expression on his face, eyes flickering over the thick packet in his hands.

He had just been assigned a new project for film class that he had no clue how to do.

Usually, at the mention of any project revolving around film, Jungkook would be overflowing with ideas, but this particular assignment left him stumped.

After nearly running into another person, Jungkook sighed and placed the packet into his binder, finishing the short trek to his dorm room with more focus.

His friends were supposed to be waiting for him there, but he wasn't surprised to find only Yoongi, who liked to be punctual, already fast asleep in his bed.

Jungkook shared his room with Hoseok, meaning that Yoongi, Hoseok's best friend, had learned to make himself comfortable in their room.

Jungkook didn't mind this since he rarely spent time there outside of studying, but Hoseok never let that stop him from befriending Jungkook, and led to him and Yoongi becoming friends as well.

Thanks to those two, he had met two of his other friends, Namjoon and Jin. The remaining two, Taehyung and Jimin, he had met on his own through shared classes.

These relationships led to the creation of a very chaotic friend group, consisting of one senior, three juniors, two sophomores, and one freshman.

Jungkook placed his things on the floor, glancing from Yoongi to the open door that someone could come through at any moment.

After much contemplation, ten minutes had passed and everyone else had yet to show up, so Jungkook decided to risk his life and wake Yoongi up.

"Yoongi hyung, wake up," He said, gently shaking his shoulders.

The male didn't even flinch, forcing Jungkook to try again.

"Tae brought Yeontan," He tried, huffing in annoyance when Yoongi remained asleep.

Jungkook's face brightened as he finally thought of a good plan, " Hobi hyung is here."

Yoongi's eyes opened slowly, squinting as they adjusted to the sunlight pouring in through the windows.

He looked around the room in search of the aforementioned Hoseok, eyes narrowing when he didn't locate him.

"Where?" Yoongi asked, voice quiet.

"Sorry hyung, he's not here, I was just trying to wake you up."

Yoongi groaned, shoving Jungkook lightly before rolling over in an attempt to fall back asleep.

He didn't get that chance, though, as loud voices came to the door, and soon, Taehyung and Jimin were inside the room, closing the door quickly.

They laughed uncontrollably, holding onto each other for support, seemingly not noticing the confused pair staring at them.

"Um, do I want to know?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, finally gaining their attention.

"We ran all the way up here to lock Jin hyung out and he started chasing us, but he was wearing his backpack and carrying some books, so he was even slower and looked really funny," Taehyung managed to say through his fit of laughter.

"Yeah, and a teacher saw us and asked if he was ok cause his face was turning red," Jimin added.

Jungkook shook his head, looking over at Yoongi who only shrugged, covering his face and ears with a pillow. He would never understand why bothering Jin brought them so much joy.

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