Chapter 13 : Oh boy, it's you

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Beomgyu could hear the gentle, rhythmic thump of Taehyun's heart, a calming sound amidst the turmoil. Gathering the last of his strength, he cradled Taehyun in his arms, lifting him delicately in a bridal carry and laying him gently on the soft mattress. A pained whimper escaped Beomgyu as the sharp sting of his own injuries throbbed intensely. He knew they would eventually heal, but the agony from the multiple stab wounds was still overwhelming.

He sank to the floor, gasping for air, his hands shaking uncontrollably and smeared with blood. He was losing too much blood, and the fact that he hadn't eaten since morning only exacerbated his condition. The pain was all-consuming, a relentless torment that threatened to pull him into unconsciousness at any moment.

The stab wound on his side was a deep, jagged gash, the edges raw and inflamed. The skin around it was a mottled mix of purple and angry red, a testament to the repeated assaults in that area. Blood seeped slowly from the injury, soaking through his shirt and clinging to his skin. Each movement sent a sharp, burning sensation coursing through him, making it nearly impossible to breathe without wincing. The wound pulsed with a relentless ache, as if the blade that caused it was still twisting inside him. Though his body was beginning to heal, the pain remained excruciating, a constant reminder of the brutal attack he had suffered.

"I'm going to die at this rate," Beomgyu whispered, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. Leaning against Taehyun's bed for support, he struggled to stand.

The crimson stain on the white sheets barely registered in his mind; all he could focus on was the relentless pain coursing through him. He should have taken Taehyun's advice and fled, but something deep inside him kept him rooted in place. He trusted Taehyun, even if he couldn't fully understand why.

As he looked at the peaceful figure on the bed, a faint smile crept onto Beomgyu's lips. He gently brushed away a few stubborn silver strands from Taehyun's face

"You make me feel things, Kang Taehyun," he murmured softly.

He moved toward the door but hesitated, remembering Taehyun's fear of the dark. With a sigh, he tried to turn on the night light, but it remained unresponsive. After a quick search, he found the remote for the LED lights and switched the color to purple, filling the room with a soft glow.

Satisfied with his adjustment, he set the remote down and took one last look at Taehyun. The purple light highlighted Taehyun's delicate features—his eyes, nose, slightly parted lips, and exposed neck. Beomgyu's gaze lingered on that neck, and he swallowed hard.

What if I just bite him?

The thought crept into his mind as he stepped closer. One bite wouldn't hurt, would it? His fangs elongated, the thirst within him threatening to overwhelm him. But just as his fangs brushed against Taehyun's neck, he snapped back to reality and quickly pulled away.

Choi Beomgyu. Enough.

Without looking back, he left the room, slamming the door behind him. He leaned against it, exhaling in relief as his hand pressed against his slowly healing wound. "No matter how much I crave it, I would never bite you, Taehyun," he promised quietly.

Yet doubt lingered. Would he always be able to resist?

Beomgyu shook his head as he headed to the kitchen, steeling himself for the mess that awaited him. As expected, it was utter chaos. He knelt down to carefully collect the large shards of a shattered bottle—the last of the blood he had been saving for emergencies. The metallic scent of spilled blood filled the air, heightening his hunger.

"Great. What am I supposed to drink now?" he muttered, tossing the glass into the trash. After sweeping up the remaining pieces and mopping the floor, fatigue began to wash over him. "I really didn't sign up to be a maid," he huffed.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally finished cleaning and collapsed onto the sofa, his hunger gnawing at him. He pulled out his phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Beom?" The voice on the other end instantly lifted Beomgyu's spirits.

"Yeonjun hyung, can you come over and bring a bottle of blood with you?"

"Did you already finish yours? That quickly?"

Beomgyu sighed. "It's a long story. I'll explain later."

"Got it."

He hung up and tossed his phone aside, leaning back on the sofa as dizziness from hunger began to set in. Memories of the attack and Taehyun replayed in his mind. Just then, he heard footsteps approaching from the balcony. He knew who it was before even turning around.

"Beom—whoa, what happened—" Yeonjun began, but Beomgyu interrupted him. He snatched the bottle from Yeonjun's hand, quickly uncapping it and gulping down the blood. He choked slightly, coughing as he tried to drink too fast.

"Hey, slow down, idiot," Yeonjun scolded, gently rubbing Beomgyu's back. Beomgyu set the empty bottle on the table, feeling a bit more satisfied.

"Now, tell me what happened. Why are you bleeding?" Yeonjun's gaze fixed on the blood-stained part of Beomgyu's shirt, concern evident in his voice.

"I ran into Kim Taehyung," Beomgyu explained, watching Yeonjun's expression darken.

"What was he doing here?"

"I don't know, but I also met his brother."

"The next heir? Why would they be here?"

"His name is Kim Sunoo, and I think he's been targeting me since we arrived. He even revealed my identity to Taehyun—"

"HE WHAT?!" Yeonjun's outburst made Beomgyu flinch.

"He told Taehyun who I really am, and that's how I got this." Beomgyu lifted his shirt to show the slowly healing wound beneath.

"HE STABBED YOU?!" Yeonjun's fury was palpable. He spun around, scanning the room until he spotted Taehyun's door. Just as he was about to open it, Beomgyu grabbed him from behind, pulling him away and blocking the entrance.

"Hyung, what are you doing?!"

"I have to end him."

"NO!!" Beomgyu shouted, throwing his arms wide to block the doorway. "BEOMGYU, HE STABBED YOU! WHAT IF HE DOES IT AGAIN? WHAT IF HE KILLS—"

"HE CAN'T, OKAY?! HE CAN'T DO IT! I SAW IT! HE WAS CRYING, SAYING HE COULDN'T STAB ME EVEN IF HIS INSTINCTS TOLD HIM TO!" Beomgyu's voice shook as he pleaded with his brother. Yeonjun's anger shifted to worry.

"Please, hyung. Don't hurt him," Beomgyu begged, his voice softening.


"Hyung, please!" Beomgyu's voice broke as tears streamed down his face. Yeonjun sighed, running his fingers through his crimson hair, clearly frustrated.

"Fine. But if he stabs you again, I won't hesitate to take him out myself," Yeonjun warned. Beomgyu managed a tearful smile.

"He won't, hyung. I promise."

Yeonjun nodded, but the concern in his eyes remained. He knew he would have to keep a close eye on both Taehyun and Hueningkai from that moment on.

What neither of the Choi brothers realized was that someone on the other side of the door had overheard everything.

"How can you still trust me, Choi Beomgyu?" the silver-haired figure whispered to himself.

 "That's idiotic of you."

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