Happy Anniversary, Honey-Chapter 1

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"Remember what tomorrow is,Harold?" Yelled mom from upstairs."Yes sweetie. Our anniversary." Replied dad. Tomorrow was supposed to be our parents 9 year anniversary. They've been together for a very long time. Anyways, I'm Jessica. I'm 11 years old and have 3 siblings. Ron,Brittany,and Jesse. I love my family. Everyone is nice,nobody gets hurt from another person, and we are safe. Couldn't have asked for a better life....yet. As I walked downstairs to go get ready for dinner, I noticed dad in the bathroom sharpening an object. Weird. I shrugged it off and went downstairs. We all sat down and enjoyed the dinner as a family. After dinner me and my siblings went to bed and waited for tomorrow
Next day,

I woke up and decided to go brush my teeth. I hate bad breath. As I was walking into the bathroom,my dad was there again, sharpening something again. He quickly put the item away and told me to go back to bed. Since I didn't wanna get punished, I obeyed and went back to bed. Instead of sleeping, I just sat there,thinking. After thinking for about 30 minutes, I dozed off and tried to fall asleep. I was just about to close my eyes when I was awoken by a blood curdling scream.

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