• One •

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Josette woke by the ringing of her home phone. She groaned about to get out of bed before It stopped making her smile and lean back into her pillow.

Just as she began to fall asleep once again. The Goddamn phone rang.

She rolled out of her bed before rushing towards the phone walking into a side draw hitting her in the side.

"Shit." She muttered holding her side as she picked up the phone.

"Hello." As soon as she heard the voice on the other side she dung the phone down. "Asshole."

Her boyfriend or ex.

A Sunnysider, a rich one at that. He was a little bit older than her but they didn't really care. Josie being 17, him being 32.

Add daddy issues to the very large pile of fucked up issues she had.

He made a stupid comment about her town and her friends which left him being ignore for the past 2 days. Calling over 30 times all being ignored. Paging way to many times.

Josie quickly began getting ready seeing as she was probably going to be late to school again. She was ready in her basic outfit; black jeans, a random cropped t-shirt with black and white converses. A black leather jacket to finish of the look; her staple item.

She walked past her mother who was passed out on the floor drunk.

Josie rolled her eyes at the woman before walking towards her car keys. Her bag was already in her car seeing as she never actually took it out of it, like ever.

She drove 4 houses down before arriving at her best friend's house. Deena. Or Dee as Josie called her. Best friends since 2nd grade.

She unlocked the house door with  her own key before making herself some toast waiting for Deena to start screaming at her younger brother.

The house was a mess, having beer cans and dirty dishes. It was almost identical to her house but hers had wine bottles.

She did some of her physics homework as she waited and low and behold she hears the screeches of Deenas lovely voice.

"I know you're here Jo. I smell the food. Save me some."


It was long before she saw her beautiful curly haired best friend.

"What's up Johnson?" She teased her friend "Still couldn't think of anything to write for Sammy."


"My car or yours?" Josie asked taking a bite of her toast which then got stole by the curly haired girl.

"Uh yours. I have no gas."

"Okay let's go then." The pair walked out the door before sitting in the car and waiting for Deena's little brother to walk out the door.

"Hey little Johnson. Let go." She grinned at at now blushing boy. Something he would always do around her.

As soon as he got in she zoomed off nearly taking off their mail box.

She narrowly missed a small animal, two old people and crashing into a pole but Hey did they die.

"It's pretty messed up what happened last night right." Josie said stopped at a red light. Heather was her co-worker and her made her guilty. Josie was supposed to be there with her but had to cancel. Her mother went psycho at her.

Josie now sported a busted lip and scratches on the side of her face.

"Yeah who would've thought Ryan Torres of all people could be capable of killing all those people." Deena said turning the music down.

"He was a bit weird but didn't seem like the type to kill anybody."

"Next one will be one of us." Nice awkward silence. How fun.

The rest of the drive was sat in silence listening to the soft lulls of Bon Jovi.

As soon as they got to school, the whole school was talking about what had happened the night before.

What Josie didn't know was that hours later it was going to be the most terrifying beginning of something much more.

BREAKING THE CHAIN | Fear Street TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now