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Springtrap's P.O.V

Is he seriously asleep? Oh my god Drake, this is the third time you slept on me since we met. But, he does look adorable when he does. The red on his cheeks just adds to it.

'This is gonna happen often, isn't it buddy?' I say in my head. I look at the time on his phone, it's 4:15. One hour, fifteen minutes left.

"Not much longer until you have to leave me again." I say to him. I look down at him and smile. I then let out a yawn.

'Seriously? Now I'm tired too?'

'Why not take a nap with the kid?'

'Are you serious right now? He told me to wake him up at six. I can't fall asleep.'

'Oh come on, you know you want to.'

Me and the voice continue arguing for about five minutes before he manages to convince me. And with the amount of times I yawned during the argument it only proved his point.

'Okay fine, you win. I did barely get any sleep during the day anyway.'

I pick Drake up off the my lap and lay his head on my chest and wrap my arms around him. Then I feel his body trembling a little in my arms. The kid must be cold. Damnit, I don't have a blanket to cover him with. Maybe I can share my body heat with him. So I hold on to him a bit tighter, and after a little while the trembling stops. He smiles.

"Aaaaw. He must be having a good dream." I say to myself before yawning again. "Well, time for a nap."

I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep, a small smile on my face. I squuze the boy a little bit before finally falling asleep.

▪▪▪6:25 AM

I lazily open my eyes and let out a long yawn. I look down at the sleeping boy on my chest. He's still blushing a little. I can't help but smile at him.

"What time is it?" I ask myself. I reach for Drake's phone next to me and turn it on. The moment I do I get the shock of my life.

"Fuck, It's 6:25! I overslept!"

I quickly, but carefully, get Drake off my chest and set him on the floor against the wall. I then scramble to get all of Drake's belongings into his backpack and put it next to him.

"I need to get him back to his home...wait, he's an orphan." I say to myself. And there's only one orphanage I remember driving past on my way to work each morning while I was alive. But the problem is, I'd have to leave the pizzaria. I've been here for so long, I don't know how much of the outside world has changed. And the manager of Freddy's might already be here, so I would have to get past him as well.. Honestly, I'm a little scared. But he has to get home, so my fear doesn't matter at this point. I put his bag on him and put him on my back. He's surprisingly light. I then walk to the door of the parts and service and peek out to see if the manager is there.

"The place is empty, perfect." I say. Then I remember that today is Saturday, the manager arrives at six thirty on a Saturday. I'm so stupid. I then go to the main door of the building. The sky is still a bit dark, which is perfect. Nobody wants to see a seven foot animatronic nightmare walking the streets in broad daylight. I reach out for the handle, but stop.

"What are you waiting for? This is your chance to see the world again, and get the kid home."

"I know, i just...don't know what's out there. We were trapped for so long."

"True, but if you don't go now people are gonna think something happened to him."

He's right. I let out a breath and put my hand on the door handle. Then I push the door open and step outside into the dark morning. It's cold, but beautiful. The air is fresh and a few stars are still twinkling in the sky. I then look toward the streets. They're empty. With that I start making my way to the orphanage, going past dark alleyways, hiding in the shadows and avoiding as many street lights as possible, being as invisible as I can. About ten minutes pass by until I get to the orphanage.

"Made it." I say triumphantly. But look at this place, it's changed. The walls are a brighter colour and the doors and windows look brand new. I guess things have changed around here. Now to find an entrance. The first place I go to is the back of the building to the basement. It's always unlocked. I sneak in and go up the stairs into the building. The bedrooms obviously have to be upstairs so that's the first place I look. Conveniently, all the doors have names on them. After about two minutes I fond the door to Drake's room, and apparently like he shares it with someone. A kid called...Mike? Oh God, that brings back memories. Awful ones. I shake them out my head and open the door. The room is empty.

"Wierd, shouldn't somebody else be sleeping in here?" I ask myself. I go to the first bed and carefully tuck Drake inside and put the blanket over him. I smile knowing that I managed to get him back in his bed before anyone noticed. That is...until I hear a voice coming from behind me.

"What the hell?"

I slowly turn around and find a kid staring at me with a pale face. I fucked up, big time.

"Uh...Hi?" I say akwardly. The kid then starts to stay a bit and after a few seconds, falls backwards.

'Yeah, he's unconscious.'

"Shit." I say to myself. So much for being invisible. I drag the kid's body into the room and put him in bed. His friend is defintely gonna tell Drake about me when he wakes up. Might as well stay here to explain everything to him. But out if all the ways I thought this night would end, I never expected it to end like this. Well, his is gonna be a very interesting morning.


Hey springlock bunnies. Sorry for not uploading for so long, got heartbroken again. But here I am with a new chapter. In all honestly, this was bound to happen. How will Mike react when he wakes up is the question. I guess we'll find out in the next chapter.

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