The friendly nightmare

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Mike's P.O.V

I let out a yawn and take a look at the time on my clock. It's past 6 ò clock already? Wait, it's already past 6. I look to the bed next to mine. It's empty. Drake still isn't back yet. Something might've happened to him.

"Drake should've been here over an hour ago. Where is he?" I ask myself. 'He's probably in trouble! What if he's stuffed inside an animatronic? Maybe his spirit is stuck inside that restaurant. Why did I let him go back there? Will I see my best friend again?' I say to myself hysterically. All these thoughts going in and out of my head make my brain hurt.

"I could really use a hot cup of hot chocolate right now." I say walking into the kitchen. I turn on the kettle and wait for the water to boil. Then I hear the basement door opening. Drake!

"Finally. I was wondering when he would get here." I say turning off the kettle. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs into the lounge and up to our bedroom, but they sound a lot different than Drake's footsteps. They sound a little louder and... heavier than Drake's. And, robotic? Thats not Drake. But if it's not Drake then who is it? What is it? I follow it up the stairs and find that my bedroom door is open. What does it want in there. I go the doorway and take a look inside, and what I see makes my heart stop for a second. It's about 7 feet tall, dark in colour, has holes everywhere and Looks like it crawled out of a horror sci-fi movie. This creature give fear anew meaning to me. Whats worse is that its looking over Drake's bed.

"What he hell?" I say out loud. 'Damnit, did I really say that out loud? Stupid!' I say in my head. It slowly turns its head around and looks at me. I feel the colour drain from my face.

"Uh...Hi?" It says. I feel light headed now, overcome by fear. I feel my body start to sway forwards and backwards. Everything seems to be getting darker. Until that's all I can see. I must be unconscious. How long will it take me to wake up? And will that creature still be there? Guess I'll find out when I open my eyes.

▪▪▪7:00 AM

I slowly open my eyes and sit up on top of my bed and hold my head in pain. What I say must've been a nightmare. Until I turn to the side of Drake's bed and find someone sitting on the floor against his bed. That same thing I saw earlier in the morning.

"Relax, this is a dream. It has to be a dream right?" I whisper to myself. I then see Drake slowly opening his eyes and staring at me with a confused face.

"Mike? Whats going on?" Drake whispers to me. I motion toward the thing next to the bed and his eyes go wide. Then he gets out of bed and toward the creature. What he does next is unbelievable.

"Spring, wake up!" He says shaking the thing awake.

"What are you doing!?" I ask nervously.

"Waking him up, what else does it look like I'm doing?" He says.

"Signing your death certificate." I say. He laughs quietly.

"You really are a nervous wreck aren't you Mike?" He says. He shakes the thing more until it eventually opens its eyes.

"Morning bunny boy." Drake says. The thing's eyes then go wide when he notices me.

"Oh, its you again. Glad to see you're at least okay after passing out earlier." It says to me.

"Wait, what? Mike, what happened earlier?" Drake asks me with a death stare. I gulp.

"Uh, well, while I was waiting for you to come back I went down into the kitchen to make something to eat. Then I heard the basement door open and heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and into the bedrooms. I followed them and found...that looking over your bed." I say nervously.

"Then he sorta passed out in the doorway, so I took him to his bed and sat here waiting for the two of you to wake up." It says.

"Hold on a sec, I was at Freddy's. How am I here!?" Drake asks.

"You don't even know how you got here?" I ask.

"I took you here. I overslept and thought I should bring you back here so nobody notices you were gone." The thing says standing up.

"You did what!?" Drake shouts. He then shakes his head and looks towards me. "Never mind. We'll talk about that later. But firstly, introductions. Mike, this is Springtrap." He says motioning to the bunny.

"This giant, 7 foot bunny is Springtrap?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah kid, got a problem with that?" He says to me, sort of menacingly. I feel the colour drain from my face a little.

"Springtrap, stop scaring him." Drake says. "Anyway, Springtrap, this is my best friend, Mike."

"H-Hi?" I say nervously.

"Nice to meet you Mike. Y'know, I once had a son with the same name." Springtrap says.

"Really-" I say before being cut off.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me this before?" Drake says.

"You never asked." Springtrap says.

"Whatever. Mike, you go downstairs, I need to talk to Spring in private." Drake says.

"Okay." I say heading out the door. 'As much of a nightmare that giant bunny may be, he actually seems kinda friendly, and harmless.' I say to myself. If the haunted animatronics at Freddy Fazbear's are that friendly, then maybe I should go with Drake next time. Just to see what really happens after hours. The question is, will I make it back alive?


Hey guys. So, once again, my heart is broken. It'll take some time to heal so I'm not gonna be able to write anything for a while. I'm sorry, but as soon as I get better I'll be here writing for you all again. I hope you guys understand. Until next time.

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