• Two •

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° Josette °

I was walking down the hall with dee hearing all the gossip about Heather's murder. It was pretty fucked. I mean they were friends how could anyone do what he did to a friend. Guess it's the curse.

Deena and I stop in front of our lockers only to see a couple making out in front of it.

Dee bangs her hand on the lockers making me smirk at her. "Go suck face somewhere else nerds." Yeah I was a bitch, well not all the time. Just most of the time.

I lean against my locker watching as Deena opens her locker when this awful screeching noise fills my ears making me jump.

A boy carved RIP into her locker. It was going to be weird not seeing her everyday.

"It's the Witch." A very preppy Kate stood with jj and Rie who also wore their cheerleading and football uniform. I scoff at her words. "Sarah Fiers back."

"Not you too." Dee was grabbed by Kate and dragged away. Jj and rie grab onto me hugging me a little too closely.

"Jj this is the girls bathroom." I said leaning against his shoulders.

"OH well."


Simon pops out of the store like the creeper he was scaring the shit out of dee.

"Wow you guys are dicks" I lean against the stalls, pulling out a joint and lighting it. Man that's some good shit. Thanks Martin.

I pass it to jj and rie watching as Deena began ranting. Sarah Fier. A legend no one believed in. It was said that bewitched a man in her village to kill a bunch of children. She also killed her twin sister, so they say before she was hung in front of her entire village.

Pretty fucked story if you asked me.

Simon grabs a box from the top space where we usually left our drugs.

"Thought you guys stopped when that idiots brother almost died." I said inhaling my joint, reaching out for a bottle.

I take five pills in my hand making Kate whine. "Who hasn't paid me for the three essays yet?" Yeah I had decent grades but my talent was English lit. The amount of bullshit in my brain surprises me most of the time.

"Fine." I smile at her before finishing my joint and walking out with them.

We had an assembly about the vigil for Heather and the other mall victims. It was mandatory for everyone in band, cheerleading and football. I didn't have to go which was an amazing thing seeing as I didn't want to see his stupid handsome face.

"Good luck." I whispered to Deena. She looked at me with a smirk making me frown. I didn't like that look.

"Oh you're coming whether you like it or not."


I woke up to Deena shaking me. Everyone was getting out of the bus making my heart flood with panic.

He was probably going to be looking for me knowing that Deena wouldn't have wanted to go alone. He knew we didn't go most places without each other.

Mayor Will Goode, a loving husband and father but overall an absolute piece of shit, he didn't really give a shit about any of us. He knew my father who was nothing but a narsisst. As he continued on, Deena stormed off. Sammy following after her making me roll my eyes at their theatrics.

An arm goes around my shoulders making me look to see the idiot who had grin on his face. JJ was the only one who did this. He was like the brother I never had like Deena was the sister I never had but always wished I did.

His brother, Nick Goode, the sheriff. Stood on the podium before giving his most heartfelt speech about Heather. His eyes lock on JJ and I, then at JJs arm before i turn my gaze onto some assholes from Sunnyvale who were talking shit.

Daniel, one of jjs friend looks at them really pissed off. "What did you say?"

Some of the football team including Jj and myself step up to their shitty ass team. I know it was stupid but what the hell. Might as well have fun while I'm here.

I stared into some fat white dudes eyes who winked at me with a grin.

"I said it ain't a tragedy if it happens every week." He chuckled at us with a smirk. "It's a fucking joke. Just like the rest of you."

I hear Nick stop talking before Daniel is punched in the face. After punching tubbys face, I see one chasing after Simon making me run towards him.

I tap his shoulders making him turn to me but before he knew it my leg hit him so hard in his third leg making him crouch. I drew back my fist with a smirk before punching him right his face hearing a Crack.

"Don't fuck with shadysiders asshole."

Nick breaks up everything but before that I was punched in the face by some dwarf ass bitch. She was a cheerleader.

"Seriously." I drew my fist back before throwing it in her face. It hurt like a bitch but the satisfaction of seeing her on the floor warmed my heart. I look to see Jj and rie laughing at the girl making me smirk at them.

Nick grabs me by my waist pulling me from her holding onto me yelling at everyone. The boys were pulled off of each other, all yelling.

I struggle against him before I break out of his grip and walking towards Jj nut not before seeing his beautiful eyes.

Jj hugs me before walking with me towards the busses. Well what a shitty wake.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now