• Three •

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▪︎ Josette ▪︎

Kate was yelling to the bus making everyone chant. I take out the pills from my jacket pocket before swallowing two.

Behind us was a small red car, they were honking and throwing shit at our bus. Sam being in the front seat.

"Open the door." At this point I'm pretty sure Deena had lost her mind.

"Deena." I said slightly worried. Ever since her break up with Sam she's been even more reckless. Josie reckless. There can't be two reckless josies or our town would surely burn down.

Kate opens the emergency door as dee grabs the cooler. I watched her with a frown. Someone was gonna end up getting hurt at this point.

"Deena stop you're gonna hurt someone." Yelling at her was the only way she would pay attention to me.

"Relax I got this." As she said that her nose begins bleeding. Kate opens her mouth about it and it happened in slow motion.

Kate let's go of the cooler so does Deena's making me lunge for it, only to miss it. I watched as their car slowly lost control before in went into the forest ditch.

"STOP THE BUS!" I screamed at the bus driver. Before it even stopped I had jumped out sprinting towards the car wreck with Deena and jj next to me.

The car has crashed into a tree stump Sam was on the floor on her knees. Dee had grabbed onto sam trying get her to focus on her while I went to the car to see the other idiots.

Opening the drivers door, Peter, Sam's boyfriend, looks at me with a pained expression before swearing at me.

"Oh shut up. I'm trying to help you." As I helped him out he almost tripped over some red moss. I helped him sit down on a broken tree before helping the other guy in the car.

Sirens slowly beginning to become louder. As I helped the last guy out, I quickly put my spare flannel to Peter's nose which was bleeding heavily.

The pills were just now effecting me slightly dazing me, luckily I hadn't taken more or I'd either be passed out or too fucked to even talk.

The yells of police and others fill my ears only with Deenas voice. She was trying to get Sam to listen to her.

Just as I turned to look at them, Sam spews up a bunch if blood on Simon's shirt. Some of it going on to Dee's shoes and my scrunchie. Fuck that's definitely not good.

"The paramedics are here now." I said to the two idiots before standing up.

"Thanks." They said nodding their head in appreciation. Shit that's a first.

Nick's face appears among the many other adults. His face looking towards mine with a very concerned expression. Damn you Deena for making me face him.


All of us except Sam were interviewed as she was wheeled out on a stretcher. Every single one of us not spilling a word.

Deena and I were together when nick interviewed us. He stared at me the entire time with judging eyes. Dick.

"If you guys know anything else please give me a call." He gave the paper to dee making her nod.

As we walk away he calls out "Miss Montgomery a word please." Great.

"Sheriff Goode what can I do for you?"

"You haven't answered any of my calls."He started with a sigh "Please just talk to me. Look I'm sorry for what I said."

"You're sorry? You insulted my friends and my town. Then asked me to move in with you." To say I was pissed of was an understatement. This was a reoccurring conversation that happened more than I was comfortable with.

"Please I'm sorry Okay. Just please don't leave me again." Again?

"Look I'm 17. I'm still a kid and I'm still trying to figure my life out..." I was slowly trying to do the inevitable.

"One more chance. Josie please." Nick said to me with begging to me.

"Okay one more." He smiled brightly before attempting to bring me into a hug making me hiss.

"There are heaps of people around." He offers to take me home making me nod. "I'll just go tell my friends."

As I walk back to dee and the others, a stinging pain in my ribs slow me down.

Hopefully nothing too major.

"Hey guys the sheriff's gonna give me a ride home." That got a round of why's.

"He called my dad and apparently he wanted to see if I was alright. Some bullshit." I lied. I felt shit lying to them but I couldn't just out my self to them. They'd hate me.

"Okay I'll you later." After hugging Deena and jj, I fist bump everyone else before walking towards to patrol car.

Don't go with him.

I look around to see who said that. After seeing no one I continue walking.

Goode isn't who he says he is. The voice whispered out once more.

I think the drugs are taking a toll on me more than I thought.

I get in the patrol car before buckling up. Nick starts the car before driving off.

Don't make the same mistakes. The voice in my head speaks again.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now