Friday, 13th of March 2004. 9 years ago. My dad sat on his old mahogany rocking chair, fluffed pillows supporting his crippled spine. I remember the look on his face. He looked serious as usual but it was different... He looked almost... Devastated. The eye contact never broke, and neither did the downarrow look to his eyes. I sat cross legged infront of him, I was only 7 years old at the time. My dad would tell me these stories. Stories that everyone would think were myths, fake crap. Yet, it was these very stories that had scarred my dad for life, so they were everything but fake. The story he told me on this day was different. It wasn't his past, but possibly my future. He told me about these things... Creatures. He described their bodies. Humans but dead and alive at the same time. The undead. The walking dead. He said it was a curse... An unknown curse that will change humanity forever. However, nobody will see it coming except for me and him. As we believe the truth. The story he told me on that day at 10:38pm may be why I'm one of the lucky few living humans alive today...
I sprint down the battered, melancholy street. Lonley sheets of paper flutter about and piles of the remains of crushed buildings dotter around in humps of dusty rubble. From what I've seen, the town is completely human free except for me, and anything else? Lurking and searching for live flesh to sink their nashers into. A brown leather pouch hugs my waist, filled with useful weapons, tools, anything I can find to help me stay alive.
The air smells of smoke, flesh and despair. I continue sprinting down the old road, expecting to be smothered by the beasts out here. I look ahead, squinting my eyes through the smoke. A few croaky coughs escape my lungs as the smoke clogs them. I can just make out a dead end until I see a corner. I jog around and find myself gawping down a long and wide straight road. It was similar to the previous road, yet it was a little more built up. From here I can see a tall building of offices, fire burning inside in nearly every room.
I stand there and stare at the building.
It looks exactly like the twin tower attack.
I can hear screams coming from the offices as the people burn alive. My heart seems to fall in my chest, but I don't look away. I watch as the whole building is now alight, and some bodies even launch themself out in an unfortunate hope to suffer a less painful death. The sight was awful, yet I knew there was nothing I could do. I slowly start walking down the road.
After a few moments there are no more screams. So many lives now gone, and their bodies will be feasted on them. The evil beasts.
As I get a little closer I can now see that at the end of this road there is a mob of them...
Infront of me are about 50 walkers huddled in their pack. Their ex human form now flaps of green skin between rotting muscles buldging out being the home of living maggots and flies. Their iris and pupil gone, just leaving mouldy white bulgy eyes. Their mouth skin is swollen and their jaw is dropped, showing pure brown rotting nashers and a blue and grey tongue. Their whole insides are diseased, and their smell is potentially the worst around. They limp towards me as their broken ears hear my footsteps. A droopy groan comes from all of them. The sickening thing is that their groan isn't because they are in pain, but because they are hungry.
"Shit" I groan under my breathe. I turn around and run again in the opposite direction with them limping behind as they get louder.
Blood stains my skin from previous events along with bruises and scars. My face is dusty, and my hair a long brown tatty mess. I run as fast as I can, equiping a long razor sharp knife in my right hand. I leap over any rubbish in the way. The air seems to have lost it's moistness, leaving a deadly dry texture at the back of my throat, it hurts to swallow.
I seem to run for miles, the muscles stretching from my ankle to my thigh are aching painfully and I'm becoming unable to move anymore. My vision becomes blurry. Everything becomes fuzzier and fuzzier until I can no longer recognize my surroundings. My breathing is heavy and I try to stay quiet, just incase any walkers are within hearing distance.
I stumble about, blinking my tired eyes furiously. My hands are out infront of me as I hope I will come in contact with something that will help my balance yet I don't seem to. Starting to panic, I worry about getting caught up with walkers. After a few torturous moments with a bad headache and no vision at all...
I finally collapse to the ground.