The heat waves force themselves onto my village, everyone is beat red and dripping from head to toe. The streets lay empty, nobody dares step a single foot outside. One step outside in your yukata and you're guaranteed to sizzle like the meat in a hotpot. As I lay inside my room, I can't help but wonder what the people on the other side of the world are doing right now. Perhaps a big war is going on, or the arctic is slowly melting.
My Mom walks into the room and places down some water and a snack beside my futon, I thank her and she walks out. The moment she shuts the door I grab the water hoping it's the least bit cold, but of course it's lukewarm. I sigh but still sip some luke warm water from the bottle. I lay on my side and play around with the snack bar. I could feel the bar inside melting from the heat.
I stop for a moment.
To look at the ceiling.
As I drift off into a deep sleep.
I wake up, the sun has gone down and the heatwaves have finally disappeared for the day. I look outside to see the streets full of people coming up and down from the market, preparing for tomorrow just incase it was as bad as today. It was now about 12am, I could still hear people walking up and down the path, some going home or some just enjoying the outdoors before having to quarantine from the heat again. This was my village, the village I knew and loved.
The next day I could already feel the heatwave shining upon the metal roof of my familys house, it was nothing new to us since that was quite literally all we have felt this summer. I looked out the window, expecting to see little to no people at all. But to my surprise there was a huge crowd at one of the houses, almost everyone my family knew was there. From the look on peoples faces, I could tell there was something very, very wrong.
I put my hair in a quick ponytail, put on my clothes and rushed out. I was scared maybe one of the small animals someone owned got hurt, or maybe even a fight broke out between two households. But when I got to the scene, what confronted me was much, much, much more worse than what I was thinking of. I couldn't believe what I saw.
I pushed my way into the crowd, praying that what I caught a glimpse of, was not actually what was there. As I got closer and closer I could smell something foul such as rotten meat or soiled fish. I made it to the front and what stood before me moved me to tears. Mrs Ushi and Mr Ushi's dead bodies laid infront of me. Their eyes gouged out and their heads bashed in. Blood everywhere, you could see Mr Ushis' brain. It was something out of a nightmare.
A Watchful Eye
Horror14 year old Kuroko Ayaka ascends to the top of Mount Sakonji to seek aid for her almost dead parents. On her journey up the mountain, she must keep a watchful eye out for the man who attempted to kill her parents, referred to as 'the eye collecter'.