Chapter 4 ~ Texas

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Aksana's POV
I wake up to an empty bed. I smile remembering what Finn said before he drifted off to sleep. He loved me. He said he loved me.
Getting up I take a pair of clothes and get in the shower ready for the trip today. In the shower while washing I started to hum the song my mom would sing me when I was little.
"Hush-a-by, don't you cry....go to sleep you little baby...when you can have all the pretty little ponies"
I loved that song since I was little. It would calm me down and get me to sleep. While washing the rest of the conditioner out of my hair I hear a knock on the bathroom door. I step out and wrap myself in the towel and open the door to see Finn smiling like a goon.

"You have a very beautiful voice." He said.
" heard?" I ask blushing.
"Yes I did. What song is that?" He asked.
"All the little ponies' my mom used to sing it too me when I was still a little kid" I said.
"Well you'll have to sing that to our kids." He mentioned making me blush.
"Well I came up here to tell you breakfast is done." Finn said giving me a kiss on the cheak and walking away.

I got dressed quickly because I am starving. Walking down the stairs I realize that today we are going to go see my grandma in Texas. Gonna be a long drive that's for sure. In the kitchen I see the table set up with bacon, eggs, toast and orange juice. Yummy!!


"Are we there yet?" I groaned.
"Not yet" Finn said keeping his eyes on the road.
"How much further. I'm ready to just get out the danm car." I said.

We have been driving for about 6 hours and we only stopped twice. I hate being in a car for so long. Makes me want to just go crazy.

"We're almost there. Just about an hour and a half." Finn said.
"That's too long." I growled staring out the window looking at nothing but trees.

What a fun way to spend the day right? Wrong. I just can't wait to see my grandma again. I'm really curious at what information she has to tell me....if any. I hope she know why mom never told me that I was a werewolf or that my father was really alive and phyco. Why he is after me. Why I'm having to be afraid of my life now.

"Hey, we're here love." Finn said shaking me from my thoughts.

Huh...I must have been so deap in thought I didn't realize the time or place. Stepping out I stretch looking at the house I used to live in. Its been a long time. Taking Finn's hand I walk up to the door and knock.

"Coming!" I hear the familiar voice of my grandmother.
Hearing footsteps and then the door open I smile knowing I'll see her once again.
"Grandma!" I yell hugging the woman.
"Oh.. Aksana what a surprise.... I...I thought you were dead....I thought he got you. Oh I'm so glad your okay!!" She said hugging me and crying.
"I'm okay grandma. Mom told me to run and never look back. I did. And doing so I found my mate. Yes...I know what I am."
"Oh I'm so happy for you. Who's the lucky fellow to deal with grandma's wreath. Hahaha!"
"Me ma'am" Finn said stepping inside.
"Well you sir are very handsome. You better be treating her very well. Or you'll have to deal with this old woman. No one wants that now do we?"
"No ma'am I dont. Its nice to meat you." He said.
"So...grandma...I have a few questions to ask and we need every answer and detail." I said pulling her to the couch.
"Okay dear." She said.
"Do you know why mom never told me about my father, and why is he king of the roges and after me now?" I ask.

"Well dear....."

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