• Four •

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After a lot of awkward silences and slight arguments, they both forgave each other and began being lovey-dovey with each other.

But it wasn't long before her pager went off. Josie stopped kissing him to look at her pager to see one from Deena.


"Can you drop me off at my house now?" She said kissing his cheek.

"Okay. What's the matter?" He asked her with a frown. Probably something to do with her bitch of a mother or her friends who always took her way from him.

"Nothing. I just need to sleep you know." She lied "I have school tomorrow."

"Since when did you start caring about school?" He asked driving towards her house. He knew she was going to see Deena but why. He had no clue.

"Since I don't want to fail y'know. The only way I'm getting out of this town is if I do good at school."

He hated it when she spoke about leaving. Leaving him.

'You could always just come live...." before he could finished she shook her head in annoyance.

"Yeah we're not talking about this right now. Every time we do, we argue."

"I just wish you would consider it." He was near the house making Josie internally sigh in relief.

"I have." Making his head snap in her direction.

"You have?" He was honestly shocked. This was the first time she had ever mentioned actually considering it.

"Yeah I mean. I'd love to live with you." He smiled slyly trying to not show her but that smile was dimmed immediately after.

"But I can't because that would mean I would be betraying my friends and my town for people who have done nothing but hate us."

When they arrived she began getting out of the car when he stopped her. "I'm just trying to help you with your future. Our future."

"I'm seventeen nick. It's not like we're getting married."

"We could." The second he says those words. She opens the door before walking to her front door. She didn't even look back at him. If she had of she would have see him punching the steering wheel before speeding off. .

What a fucking nightmare. Marriage. A joke.

She quickly called Deena, who pick up straight away.

"Thank fucking God. Where have you been?"

"I just got home now. Nick.." shit "the sheriff just dropped me off home now. My father was busy."

"That asshole Peter's fucking with me. He had a skull mask on and shit."

"Wait what. Sammy's boyfriend?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna gonna pick you up about now."

"Kay just honk."

She left a note for her mother telling her she would be with dee.

'Sleeping over at Dee's. Dinners in the fridge. Just heat it up.'

A honk of a cars horn jolts her from staring at her scrunchie that had blood from the accident. Her favorite one.

She rushes outside to see Simon, Kate, Jj, Rie and Josh along with Deena all swashed into her little ass car.

She goes to the front seat, seeing jj before sitting on his lap. Deena probably warned them that it was her seat but jj never actually listened to Deena.

"So what's the plan."

"I'm gonna go there and tell Sam to keep her psycho boyfriend in check." Josie nodded her head and then they were off.


Once we got there they rushed into the busted hospital.

Deena fails to get into Sammy's room, so being the loving best friend I was. I stepped up to the receptionist as well as Kate.

"Hi. Tell nurse Betty she has two patients." I smirk at Kate when the women pages Betty.

Betty walks in pink scrubs before smiling at the both of us.

"Ladies. It's been a while."

"Hey." He goes onto trying to 'subtly' hint that he couldn't get us anymore pills without getting caught. He also tried to get me to hook up with him. I swear you flirt with someone once and they never get over it.

"I need to see a patient." Dee impatiently stated making me shrug then walk away with jj following close behind me.

"Got any change?" Kate asks us before muttering fuck when we say no.

"Josh got any change?" I asked, watching as he quickly moved around trying to look for some money.

"No sorry." Damn I have the munchies. "But..." He trailed off walking over to the machine.

He presses on a bunch of buttons before everything in the vending machine falls down.

"Wow." I said walking over to it. "Nice little Johnson."

We all grabbed the candy from him, grabbing a Twix for myself and a Mars bar for jj. Rie was allergic to coco so I didn't grab her anything. I lean against the wall opening it up.

"So where did you learn how to do this?" Kate asks grabbing a packet from Josh.

"There are a lot of hacks online." Cool wish I knew about these hacks.

"Nerd." Simon and jj cough making me glare at them. Josh looks down embarrassed. Rie giggles at him.

"Fucking amazing more like it." I say to him making him smile.

"So when did you get into the fruit business?" Uh what.

"Uh the drugs."

"Oh well that's just temporary." I nod at her before adding on "Yeah the five of us are saving up enough money to get out of this shit hole. I'm taking dee with me."

"Take me with you." Josh says to Kate making jj, rie nd I oooh in awkwardness.

Just as rie goes to speak we hear a scream. Not a 'I just got scared' scream more like a 'I'm being brutally murdered' scream.

Dee and Sammy sprint past us making me look at jj with a scrunched face. "Run!"

"Did they get back together?" Simon asks then all of a sudden some bitch in a skull mask runs after them with a blooded knife.

Kate and rie scream, I just stared in shock, mouth wide open, only the smallest squeak leaving my mouth  before being pulled by jj in the other direction.

I was absolutely terrified. Not just for me but for dee and Sammy. We weren't the ones being chased by a killer. They were.

Holy fuck.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now