Chapter Seven "Argument"

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[22th June 2020,Tuesday]
{8:15 a.m.}

"Socks!!" Meme shouted as he and the others ran towards the crying Socks. "S-Socks... w-where Nadwe..? We heard him scream...." Blaza asked as he was out of breath while running. Socks didn't said a word and just stared at the lifeless body at the bottom of the cliff. Everything seems to be quiet after the others looked towards the direction where Socks was looking.

After a long silent, Wloof spoke. "O-Oh my god-! Socks! Did you push him off?!" That sentence snapped Socks out of his thoughts. "What?! The murderer pushed him off!" Socks said loud. "What murderer?!" Wloof asked out loud.

"The murderer who kill your best friend!!" Socks yelled which made Wloof froze.

"W-What?" Wloof mumbled which made Socks realised what he had just said. "Great...Now is really not the time for this..." Socks thought. "Uh- I think I should explain this to Wloof while you guys umm- settle what we are at right now" Tbh said as he quickly dragged Wloof away from the others.

After Tbh and Wloof left, the silent was back again. Laff sighed out loud and spoke. "We could discuss this in the mansion later but now we shouldn't just leave Nadwe's body down there"

Everyone nodded in agreement. "But how are we supposed to get down there? We can't just jump down there like in Minecraft" Blaza said and joked a bit but no one laughed. "Not the time for jokes, Blaza" Meme glared as he said.

Blaza chuckled awkwardly. "We could try find a way down there " Joocie mumbled. "Ok then. Let's go but before that" Laff looked at Socks. "Socks, I want you and Muffin to go back to the mansion first. Muffin is probably now unstable to see his best friend dead"

Socks just nodded as he and Muffin walked towards the direction of the mansion while the others headed the other way.

[22th June 2020,Tuesday]
{10:00 a.m.}

Socks,Muffin,Tbh and Wloof were at the living room in the mansion. Tbh and Wloof returned to the mansion when it was 9:00 a.m. and now they were currently waiting for the others to come back.

Socks was lost in thoughts, still terrified by the truth. Muffin was sobbing quietly, clutching the cushion real hard. Wloof was shocked about Dino's death and was almost the same state as Muffin right now. Tbh was just quiet since he know the three people around him had just experienced a horrible time.

The front door of the mansion burst open all of sudden. All four of them turned their heads towards the door and saw the others standing tired. There have some blood on them which it was probably Nadwe's.

"I-I ne-need a b-break...!" Meme said slowly,out of breath. "God! All those climbing!" Blaza complained. Everyone stared at both of them quietly,even though some are giving him glares.

"So...what now?" Tbh said,breaking the silent. Laff looked at Socks. "We need to know what happened first" Socks immediately felt everyone staring at him as he looked down.

Joocie closed the door and sat down on a chair with the others nearby,waiting for an explanation from the spaceman. "W-We kinda got into a fight- and he ran away..." Socks explained slowly.

"A fight? What did you do?" Meme questioned. "He just hates that we are too overprotective to him and Muffin after Dino's death" Socks said,trying to not glare at Meme. "He's not lying- Nadwe often complain to me about that..." Muffin whispered but was heard by everyone.

"So...he was pushed by the murderer?" Joocie asked and Socks nodded. "How can we know it wasn't you who pushed him off?" Wloof asked,suspicious that Socks lied to him before about Dino.

"I saw the murderer pushed him!" Socks snapped. "Wait- you saw him in person?!" Blaza exclaimed. "Do you know what the murderer looks like?" Laff asked. Socks shook his head. "No but he is tall so it couldn't be the shorts ones" Socks said,looking at Meme.

"Hey!" Meme yelled,understand what Socks meant. "I'm not that short!" Meme said as Blaza laughed. (No offence- it's just a joke)

"Then why didn't you stop him from pushing Nadwe?" Wloof asked,didn't care what was going on now. "I was far away from him! He didn't even noticed me when I screamed his name!" Socks said.

"Well maybe you are the one who pushed him off the cliff and just making these stories only!" Wloof yelled. "Are you blaming me?!" Socks raised his voice.

"Yes! I'm blaming you cause your the one who last seen with Nadwe!" Wloof shouted. "That doesn't prove I'm kill him!" Socks argued. "Well,everyone did stay in their groups!" Wloof snapped.

"ENOUGH!" Laff shouted,making both of them silent. "Look,Wloof I know your upset but we have no proof to blame Socks yet. Although Socks was also wrong for letting Nadwe ran away like that" Laff said as Socks glared at him.

"I'm going to my room! I want no one come in unless lunch is ready!" Wloof said as he walked to his bedroom. "But-Wloof! We can't stay alone,last time you were alone in your room and result in losing your memories!" Tbh said.

"SHUT UP!" Wloof screamed from his room,making everyone silent. "He just upset- he will eventually calm down" Meme said. "This is worse than the breakdown before..." Blaza mumbled.

Everyone slowly headed to their own rooms. Socks immediately went into the washroom as he entered his room.

"What have I done...." Socks thought as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Chapter Seven is kinda boring- 🌷

Summary: Socks accidentally reviewed the truth about Dino's disappearance to Wloof and in result, they got into an argument.

Hope you all enjoy 🌷
Thanks for 200+ views!!!

Words Count: 991

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