I'm Sorry (my 1st play)

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 Scene 1:Lily’s Monologue! Page2 

Lily’s standing with Dustin in a school classroom, chairs are next to Lily, after a huge fight. Their both losing their best friend… Lily is in center stage while Dustin’s standing in the background. Lily is looking towards Dustin then the audience. Lights on her as she says…


 “I’m sorry” seems to be my favorite words. I can’t go a day without using them. Their such useless words! They mean nothing. (Pauses then gets madder) They fix nothing. (Calms as she takes another pause to regroup and sits in the chair that’s next to her) “I’m sorry” fills my life with depression. “I’m sorry” is like poison on my lips. Life isn’t worth living every time I say it. It means I hurt someone… Someone important… Someone that loved me… LOVED as in not anymore. Even though I still love them it doesn’t mean anything (pauses and stands) because they hate me! “I’m sorry” makes me cry! “I’m sorry” to some taste like something beautiful. Not me I’m different! To some it means forgiveness, (pause) going back to normal. It doesn’t help me. There is no help for me. There’s no escape. There’s no happiness for me. I will soon die… Alone. ALONE is also a horrible word. It means you have no one. I-A-M-S-O-R-R-Y A-L-O-N-E. Two words that shouldn’t be said. They shouldn’t be in the English language. But they are. They always will be. I’m just a girl… Alone in life… And I’m sorry… (Sits and hangs her head) 


He comes and sits with her.

I used to love you… I just can’t anymore.


Through tears says…

Please Dustin!


Sadly say…

I just (pause)… I just didn’t know you’d do this…

Dustin gets up and walks out then the lights go out.


Dustin and Lily walk into a school hallway, Dustin in front as if trying to ignore her. He stops center stage and looks at her serious but sadness in his eyes as she says…


Dustin, please talk to me. I know Gary’s your best friend but…


But what… And that’s where you’re wrong that thing is not my best friend! He’s a discussing monster and so are you!

You cheated on me. Yeah that’s right I found the note!


What note? I didn’t cheat on you! I promise!


He talks slow and say’s every word slowly with madness in his voice

I don’t care about your promise because you never keep them. We’re done… Finished… Over! Have fun with Gary.


But Dustin… I love you. I don’t want Gary.


I LOVED you too!


I’m sorry baby it’s just…


Says sadly

Just you love me less. (Leaves her standing center stage.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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