The Indigo Girl's Dead Moirail

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I walk into Gamzee's hive and see dark blue blood everywhere.  Its dried a bit but its clearly fresh. I turn the corner into the livingroom and see a rather large lump of blankets on the floor.  Its too dark to see anything else so I turn on the lights. The lump was not blankets. It was access blood in puddles forming around a very dead Equius Zahhak.
My eyes turn red and tears slip down my cheeks. This.... this isn't happening. ...
"GAMZEE MOTHERFUCKING MAKARA I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Storming through the hive I find nothing but cans and pie tins. I can't handle this.
I figure if I get some help from across the stree--- a pair of slim arms wrap around my body and screaming escapes my mouth. He had me.
"So SiS. dId YoU fInD aNyThInG cApTiVaTiNg?" His disturbing tone made my skin crawl and blood boil. As I try to break his lock, he starts tightening his grip "AwWw CoMe On SiS dOnT bE tHaT wAy" my screams dont filter through the hive walls at all.
This is the end.... I am going to die like this.
I stop fighting back and just relax and go limp. Whats the use of trying to escape his crazy ass?
*CRACK* oww!!! Now he's cracking my ribs. Damn. He might as well cut open my grub scars while he's at it. This was so painful that I scream out so loud my shrieking broke a window.
My blood pusher thumps so hard its all I can hear. Gamzee lets go of me and I hit the floor landing in a puddle of my own blood. But of course its not even mine. Its Equius's. I'm really sorry Equius.

Hours upon hours I was passed out. I usually heard Gamzee's demonic laughter when i started crying in my sleep, but I couldn't speak. If I did it would make him aware of my consciousness.  Please Gog have mercy on my soul.

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