• Five •

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It took us too long to get to the front before Simon starts yelling about the car keys.

"Deena had them." Rie yells looking as if she was about to pass out. Fuck.

"The ambulance." Kate says to us making me freeze as they begin to leave. I couldn't leave Deena.

Jj begins to pull me making me yell. "I have to wait for Deena."

"Do you want die?" JJ starts pulling on my arm again making me shrug it of, accidentally making my scrunchy fall on the floor. I ignore it completely not giving a shit. I just wanted Dee safe.

"I'm waiting for Deena, JJ" I said angrily. I know it was a life or death but Deena was my ride or die. I'd do anything for that girl.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you do that." Jj said before lifting me over his shoulder. It was kind of painful seeing as i had a massive bruise on my torso. 

"Jj stop. We have to make sure they're okay."

He ran towards the ambulance before putting me down and pushing me in.

"We're going to wait for her okay. You just have to be safe in here." He said holding my face.

I know he was right but Deena. I nodded at him as the drove around the front only to see Sammy and dee fight off skull mask.

Without jj realizing it, I had jumped down and ran towards them. Grabbing onto chair and hitting him in the back as soon as dee jumped off of him.

I helped Sammy up off of the floor before pulling onto Dee's arm. I looked back for a second only to see him.

Ryan Torress. The guy who was shot dead a few nights ago. A bullet mark on his forehead.

What in the hell is happening.

We sprinted to towards the van before slamming the door shut and zooming off.

Jj hugged Rie and I to him making me clutch the both of them. Still shaking from adrenaline and fear.

"How the hell is that possible?" My voice cracked as I spoke.

"He was shot dead I don't understand..." dee says hugging her brother.

"It was like all he wanted was Sam. I mean he didn't even go after us when you ran." Rie said holding onto my hand.

"We need to the police station." I nodded at their words. Before sitting on dee and hugging her tightly.

"Thanks for having my back." She whispered in my ear.

"I'll always have your back." I sat and hugged her then entire way there. Not really giving a fuck about their stares on us.

"Do you guys want me to come in?" I asked Sammy and dee who shook their heads no.

"Nah you've seen enough of the sheriff for one night."


We all sat waiting for them to get back and waiting for Simon to finish going to the toilet.

Eventually the girls came out of the police station with nervous faces.

"What happened?" Rie asks them just as nervous as jj was.

"We need to leave." Oh no. What did she do.

"But we're safe here." I say to her making Sammy look at me.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now