• Six •

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When we got to the crash sight, Josh gave us some head lights. I quickly put it on my head and turn it on.

Jj and Rie follow my lead before we walked off toward the slight.

I see the fake skull mask lying on the floor before looking around at the floor which was covered in red moss. It was pretty.

Sammy begins explaining to us everything that happened whilst doing the action.

"I feel something." She pulls on a chain?

"Chains?" She pulls too hard making something fly out from out of the chain.

"Not just chains." A skull was lying on the floor making eveyone freeze.

"Holy shit." I whisper. Josh picks up the chains before reading out a name. "Fier. It's her. It's her grave."

Holy shit.

"This is bad. Really bad." Si and rie start having panic attacks but all I can think was about how we had disturbed her.

"The buried her with chains. She was locked up. Even when she was dead." She couldn't even rest in peace. She had been locked up the entire time.

Kate then digs at Sam for what seemed like the tenth time.

"You just had to disturb her with your nasty ass blood huh." Jj exclaimed freaking out slightly.

"Now she's sending her henchmen after us." Wait what.

"Henchmen. So you're saying that evryone of those sickos on your wall are coming after us." Kate whispered out to us.

We hear a branch snap making rie grab onto jjs arm. I think we should get going now.

"I think we should go. It's not safe out here."

"What if we unbother her?" Si says shaking in nervousness. "Yeah I mean if it get her to leave us alone I'm all for it l." Jj says after him.

It was a stupid plan but a plan nonetheless.

"That's the most stupidest thing you guys have ever said." Dee scoffs at the pair.

"It's genius." Josh exclaims making me smirk. Perhaps we won't die tonight.

"Well let's do this then." I say to them determined to survive this fucked up curse.

Josh then tells us what we had to do to out her back for rest when we hear another branch snap.

Just as we finish Josh screams out to us. I look up to see the camp nightwing killer running towards us with an axe.

I screamed so loud my throat ached, as jj pulled rie and i away and towards the ambulance.

I look back to see dee pull Sam away just in time as the axeman swung his weapon at her.

Kate jumps in the driver seat before speeding off once the door had slammed shut.

I sat staring at the wall not really paying attention to the conversation. All I could think about was my parents. What if I never saw them after tonight. Who would take care of mom. Even though I hated my father I would probably hate not seeing him.

And Nick. The guy who I was just beginning to love. What would he think of my death. Would he even give a shit or would he pass me off as Shadyside trash.

I was jolted when Kate stopped abruptly making me smash into si who grabbed me. He noticed my face that was pretty pale.

All their talk was slightly blurry for me as I stared at Simon's bloody shirt.

"She's after me!" My head snapped towards Sammy with a worried expression.

"I saw her again and she said 'it's you'." Her voice quivered as she spoke but then she stared at me with a look of disbelief. "I just couldn't understand one part."

"What do you mean?" Rie asked holding onto her shaky hand.

"There was a picture. Like a piece of her memories." She looked at me dead in the eyes, her nose finally had stopped bleeding. "It was a picture of Josie. But it was like it wasn't you. You were with Sarah as if you were friends?" She trailed off not actually sure of what she was saying.

Everyone looked in my direction with either shocked expressions or terrified.

I had a lump in my throat as I fi ally croaked out "Did she say anything? About me?" Please say nothing. Please say nothing.

"She said 'don't repeat the past'" I nodded my head at her with a scrunched up mouth.

"Well isn't that fucking lovely. Not only is she going after Sammy. She's going after me too."

"No its like she was trying to help you." Sammy told me.

"Help her how? Hmm Sam? Don't leave any fucking details out!" Rie said very aggressively to her.

"Just calm down okay. Everyone just needs to calm down."

"How the fuck are we supposed to calm down when some psycho ass bitch is coming after my sister." Jj could be really scary when he wanted to.

"Jj just calm down. Okay yelling at everyone isn't going to do anything." I said leaning into his shoulder.

"If they're after Sam then we could use this to our advantage." I say looking at dee who scrunches her brows up.


"We could use her as bait." Deena protests at my use of words.

"Yeah she is. Seriously. If we're right and they're after her. Let's give these assholes what they want." Josh says to us, as we nod. Hopefully this would work. If not bye bye.


On the other side of town, the hospital that they were just at just hours ago, police were stacked up scanning the entire area.

Nick Goode, walks through the door after consulting one of his deputies. There were three victims as far as they could tell.

He looks at towards two of the three bodies in disgust. One male. One female. Both mid 30s to early 40s. Both having neck wounds, the woman also having stab wounds to her torso.

The other body had been identified as a male teenager, around sixteen or seventeen. No identification on him so they couldn't notify his parent straight away, he had one chest wound that killed him in seconds.

The girls were telling the truth about the whole thing. They were now going to be witnesses of a crime.

As sheriff, Nick Goode began walking back out, he stood on something. He bent down to see a hair tie, a scrunchie in fact. Black and blue flowers with leaves, blood splattered all over it.

He knew this scrunchie. It was her favorite one. He had bought it for her ages ago. His Josette was here and if she was involved then he need to make sure she was okay.

He subtly picked up the scrunchie with anyone noticing before briskly walking towards his car.

He got back to his office at the station before writing a statement down on everything that he had seen that night before calling her house.

She didn't reply and after calling four more times, he gave up deciding to call around her house as well as an old friends house.

As he began leaving, his eyes caught onto something in the middle of the road. Nick walked over to it only to see a black substance as well as a heart locket necklace.

What was going on in his town?

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now