「 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚎. 」

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Sasuke's Pov.

"That explains it," Orochimaru said as he put his hand on his chin.
"What do you mean?"
"No wonder I can't sense her chakra anywhere, She just disappeared from this world."
"..." I frowned.
"How are you sure?" Naruto asked.
"She has a snake on her. If she killed it, I would've known immediately. The only thing I could think of is that she's not in this dimension."
"If that's true, how did she even get there in the first place?" Sarada asked worriedly.
"What we don't know," Naruto replied.
"Is she..." We heard Boruto say. All eyes were on his as he looked down, "Is she an enemy of the Leaf now?"
"No. Not yet at least. So far she's just abandoned the village but she also did mention something about a 'goal' and how she was getting distracted. We're just giving her the benefit of the doubt." I replied.

I made eye contact with Sakura as Boruto finished telling us what happened in the Hokage's office.
Even if she wasn't talking, I got exactly what she was trying to say.
"It happened again, Sasuke-Kun."
"Do Boruto, Sarada and Mitsuki have to go through the same pain, Naruto and I went through to get you back?"
"Why is the world so unfair?" I closed my eyes trying to get rid of her thoughts.
"I failed as her Sensei." I thought to myself.

"Oi, Sasuke!" Karin called out. I turned towards her as she put her hand on her hip, "Can I talk to you for a moment?" I followed her into another room, leaving us alone.
"Yes?" I said.
"Did she say anything to you?"
"No. Otherwise I would've mentioned it." She closed her eyes in frustration and tried to rephrase her sentence.
"About her biological parents?"
"I'll take that as a no but...you would've answered that. What are you hiding?" She adjusted her glasses.
"I took her DNA test and it didn't match with anyone." She raised an eyebrow.
"I'm assuming without her permission? because otherwise, she would've told you. Sasuke, what you did is definitely disappointing but I'm going to let it slide for now as we have bigger problems." She sighed.
"Why can't you tell me?"
"It's a personal thing and I respect her for not being able to tell you."
"Sasuke! We're leaving!" I heard Naruto shout from the other room.
"That's all I wanted to ask you can go back." I turned towards the door and opened it to leave. I looked back at Karin as she was arranging some papers on the desk, "Why are you staring at me?" She said, not looking up from her work.
"You're acting differently." She stopped what she was doing and looked at me.
"I just needed to look at you from a different perspective and that woke me up. Isn't this how you wanted me to act when we were younger? Not a lovesick puppy? Well, here ya go." I pursed my lips as I left the room. What does she mean?

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Y/n's Pov.

"This is where you'll be staying." A lady took me to a room, "If you need anything, just call one of us." She bowed slightly before going back downstairs. This whole main base was a huge ass castle and each member get a room that is very...luxurious. Too much for me. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. A while later, I heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Code." I walked up to the door and unlocked it.
"Yes?" I was greeted with another smile.
"It's time." I gave him a confused look, "For training. I'm scheduled to train you today."
"Oh right, sorry. Lost track of time." I closed the door behind me and followed him to the training ground. We entered a huge cave with grey tiled floors. There was a balcony to the left, looking over the ground.
"I'm going to go easy on you."
"Don't underestimate me," I said as I went and stood a distance away from him, getting ready to fight.
"Oh, I'm not." He copied my stance, getting ready to fight too, "I'm just going to try not to kill you. Otherwise, one move and you're...dead." I stared at him, waiting to make the first move, "Give it your all, I want to see how much you can do, then from next time I'll help you improve on the skills you lack."
"Hn." He ran towards me and tried to punch me in the face. He's fast. I managed to block it in time. He got his knee up and kneed me in the stomach. I barely got time to react. I flew back and hit the wall. I wiped the spit off my mouth and got up.
"Use your Sharingan, Y/n. If I was your enemy right now, I wouldn't give you time to get up. I also mentioned giving it your all. You're the future of this Organisation so don't disappoint me." I saw Delta and Kashin Koji on the balcony, watching us, or rather me, intently. I activated my Sharingan.
"There ya go. Let's start properly now."

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"Alright, enough for today." He said as I was on the ground, "Overall you're pretty good. If the enemy was anyone except me you would've won. Now," He got out his arm the help me get up, "I'm going to be your Sensei from today. I'll help you get stronger and maybe you'll even surpass me."
"I'm also assuming there are some moves still up your sleeve, right?" I just stared at him.
"Yes, but I won't be able to use it in a close space." I pointed to the ceiling.
"Ah. I'll ask Jigen for a day when we can train outside. I look forwards to see them." He replied. I packed up my things and headed for my room. He's really strong. He didn't use any of his techniques to fight me. It was mostly a one-sided fight. He wasn't even tired after it and I know I'm not bad at fighting. I guess training under him will help.

I laid there on the bed, every part of my body hurting. If that was him holding back then they're fucked. I stared at the ceiling, not being able to fall asleep, like usual. I got up, wanting to get some air.  I slowly closed the door to my room and walking down the grand stairs. I heard there was a garden here so I headed in that direction. After fifteen minutes or so of searching, I saw something glow from the other side of the window. I walked closer and saw a glowing flower. I noticed many such similar ones to this as I walked down the path. Going further in, I saw a lake in the distance. That looks like a nice place to relax. I fastened my pace as I heard the dry leaves crunched under my feet.

I stopped walking as I heard the noise. Stone...skipping? I saw a silhouette of a person sitting on the pier of the lake. They took another stone and threw it as it skid across the water. They then looked up towards the sky and got out their left hand and examined it. I picked up my dress slightly, making sure I don't make much noise as I start walking towards them.
"Dammit!" They cursed as they aggressively started rubbing their left palm, "I want this off! I never asked for this! Why, why me?!" They cursed again. My eyes widened as I walked closer and their figure became clearer. His head snapped towards me as he felt my presence. His eyes widened too as he also got a clear view of me.
"Long time no see...Kawaki."

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