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I drew the photo :)
I know this is cringe. Send some feedback though on how to fix it ^^

Rewinding back to Y/N's days back in UA brought painful, and treasurable memories. She remembers her best friends; YaoMomo (The one that would always be up late at night to help Y/N study), Mina (Her dance buddy, drama buddy, and one to be up at 3:AM to text her about Uraraka and Deku.), Denki (Personal phone charger.), Jirou (Music buddy), Todoroki (He would let me vent to him, make me shaved ice, warmed my hands up, did my hair, and hugged me when i needed it), and so much more friends! Y/N still keeps in touch, so she never has to leave them. Y/N also remembers the painful ones. Like that one time when Mineta tried to look in the girls changing room. Also how someone would call her softie. There were other classmates but she thought it was best to forget them. She has some foggy memories of some though. She shakes her head to forget the rest of what happened, and she heads to get dinner. She has to head to her agency tomorrow, and she is painfully hungry. The new restaurant opened recently, and isn't open most of the time because the owner has other things to do.

I've never been there before, but I heard the cook is good at what he does. Checking my watch, I see its 5:00. Pretty early, but I don't want to be late at my own agency. Thats embarrassing. If your top ten you have to be sharp at time management. After all this time, this watch Momo gave me is still in good contact. Such a rich lady.

Im almost to the restaurant. Hearing my own footsteps walking puts me on edge and tensed me up. Its too quiet. My footsteps tapping fade, and i begin to lose my hearing. What the hell? I whip my head behind me and I see someone with some big ass ears running to me. I cant hear their footsteps, and i run to the restaurant screaming for help. My quirk is useless in this situation, because i dont have time to power it up. I cant even hear my own voice. Feeling vibrations in my foot, i stop and turn my head back to look at the criminal. They certainly had the intentions because they had a knife in their hands. Seeing the criminals head being driven to the ground I power up my quirk ready to fight whoever trying to harm me. As i look up to the person driving the bigears guy head I gasp slightly. Its Baklugo? I think that was his name. From UA. He looked really different. Why was he wearing an apron? Wait a min...

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?" Screamed the big ears guy.

"BITCH YOU WERE CHASING THIS PERSON DOWN? WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? ME TO GIVE YOU A HUG?" Baklugo said shouting at the person. He flipped him off and drove the knife into the ground shattering it. My hearing was getting back! I guess thats what the guys quirk was; to deafen people.

"Yooo, thats my homie right there, the knife was uhm, a prop for a movie! Cant hurt anyone! R-right homie?" Lets call him Banpaia because he is like a vampire with his big ass ears. He says pointing at me.

I make a grossed out face and shook my head.

"Why would i defend you? You almost killed me stupid." I say flipping them off. No mercy. "What are you going to do with him?" I asked Baklugo. He tched and said,

"Ill bring him to the police. They will deal with him, i have to get back to work." He says. Does he remember me? I hardly remember him, and i think I'm saying his name wrong.

"Be careful from now on damn softie." He says as he leaves.

Oh.. so he does remember me. SuCkS i DoNt rEmbEr hIm L.

I never focused on other agencies, heroes, or other things. I focused on myself really. But that made me realize, I've never dated someone since i kept myself closed up. The only time i got really close to someone was when Todoroki made a pond a ice skating rink and we just skated.

Baklugo used to curse at me so much back then, now that I remember, and Bakugo didnt curse at me also! Wait, I said his name! I remembered it! Im such a sussy clutzy uwu. JK JK LMAO.

OH SHIT! Its been 30 minutes! Its 5:30, i gotta grab something short for dinner from the restaurant. Oh that brings me to a conclusion, is Bakugo the owner of the restaurant? He was wearing an apron. Strange.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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