I'll Never Love Again...

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Two men have been involved in a hit and run. One of the men died at the scene, while the other man is in critical condition and being airlifted to the nearest specialist hospital. No identities as yet and more details will follow as soon as we have them. 

Six Months Later

Taehyung drops his crutches to the floor and carefully drops to his knees. The tears have already started to flow. 

His breath hitches, “Hey baby. I… god…” A choked sob leaves his throat. He’s not sure if he will be able to speak very much at all, but he tries as this is something he needs to do for himself as much as it is for Jungkook.

“It’s been six months and… I didn’t even get to say goodbye…” His voice is nothing but a whisper.

Taehyung bends and puts his cheek to the grass, his hands either side of his head. The tears drop from his face into the grass. “I will never forgive myself for not saying goodbye… god, I miss you so much already. I only woke up a month ago and I would’ve come sooner to see you but Jimin kept me under house arrest, you know how he can get. I almost ripped his apartment apart to try and get out. I haven’t been let back into our place yet. The guy’s think it’s still too soon.”

Taehyung had screamed and shouted at all of his friends when they wouldn’t let him leave. So, he had locked himself away and spent the week crying his heart out, buried in his bed covers. Refusing to eat or even drink anything until they let him out. Even now, Jimin and Yoongi were sitting in their car, not too far away, watching him to make sure nothing happened.

“I basically bribed them into letting me come to see you. They told me all about the service they had for you. Said they tried to wait for me to wake but your parents couldn’t wait for too long. They needed to say goodbye to you too. And I was taking too long to recover.”

“I’m so sorry…” He sobs into the dirt. Not caring if he covers himself. He looks up to the granite that is so beautifully carved and engraved.

Jeon Jungkook
1997 - 2020
Beloved Son
Devoted Partner & Friend
Forever Missed

He sobs again. It’s like Taehyung had lost Jungkook yesterday, and to him it was. 


“Hey baby,” Taehyung smiles as he gets into his boyfriend's car, “Where are we going?” He leans over and kisses Jungkook on the lips before putting on his seatbelt… you know, safety first!

“It's a surprise!” Jungkook smiles as he begins to pull out into the traffic.

It was their one year anniversary so they had planned on spending the whole day together. But apparently Jungkook had made plans of his own but hadn’t let on to Taehyung what those plans were. He was extremely excited. 

After a few minutes, Taehyung decides to connect his phone to the stereo and pulls up their joint playlist - yes, they are that type of couple. Their friends are always telling them that they are vomit worthy whenever they are together.

They had been driving and chatting for about half an hour before they came to an intersection, where they are stopped by a red light. Taehyung looks over to Jungkook and just takes in his profile. His full brow, his large nose that sometimes looks too big for his face, his full lips and his strong jawline. Taehyung finds he could look at Jungkook’s face all day everyday and never get bored of it. He found his perfect partner in the man sitting next to him. The past year had been a dream to say the least. Their relationship had only gotten stronger. They had known each other for a few years before they finally decided to make things official. And when they did, their friend’s rejoiced, saying it was about time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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