Lost & Found *OneDirectionFanFic*

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Chapter 1: A Birthday to Remember (Unedited)

Casey (POV)

"Happy Birthday to you...!"

I laughed as my parents finished singing to me in a very off-key tone. They smiled at me and held up their cameras, waiting for a perfect photo.

I leaned forward and blew out all 17 birthday candles in a very childish manner. I smiled to myself as I made a wish, I wish...

What did I want to wish for? I pondered this for a second, then choosing the easier route I tried again, I wish that this year will be an unforgettable one. Little did I know just how much this wish would affect me.

I looked up from my cake to look at my two adoring parents. I loved them so dearly. They both had special qualities that made me love them even more.

My mom, being the beautiful lady she was, had sharp features that stood out on her face. Her long golden hair and soft silky white skin stood out on her body. Mostly her sharp curvy nose, and sharp pink lips defined her oldened face.

My father was a strong man with a dark moustache and full head of hair. If you didn't know him you would probably be scared of him, with his crooked nose and square jaw.

Both my parents shared the same medieval beauty that I was not blessed with. Although both my parents said I resembled my great grandmother, I have yet to meet her to decide this for myself.

I had long curly charcoal colored hair with natural red streaks. I have a roundish face with rosy cheeks. My nose is small yet defined and my lips are pink and plump and are located above my dimpled chin. The thing that stands out the most on my face are my eyes, giant green orbs.

I looked up from my cake to see my parents making their way towards me with a small box wrapped in glittery paper in their hands.

As soon as they handed it to me, I tore through the paper and came to a cardboard box. I lifted the lid and gasped. Inside was a small silver, diamond encrusted locket. On the front was the date of my birthday January 2nd, 1996 carved into the silver along with my initials C.M.P. Casey Marie Penny. I opened the tiny locket and inside on the left was a picture of my dad and on the right was a picture of my mom.

I felt tears form in my eyes as I looked up into the faces of the people I loved most in this world. I got up out of my seat and was about to give them a hug when a loud banging on the door interrupted us.

I looked to my parents but their faces were contorted in a mixture of fear and shock.

Nobody seemed to move so I walked to the door and opened it.

"Hello, Miss Casey Marie?" a police officer spoke.

"Uh.. y-yes?" I responded with fright. What did I do?!

The police officer looked amused for a second at my reaction, but it was instantly gone. He spoke into his radio, I could only make out "found her" and something that sounded like my address. What's going on?

Suddenly a bunch more police cruisers pulled up into our driveway and I panicked. They all got out and barged into the house. They searched everything, they even went upstairs and searched my bedroom.

Everything was chaos. The couches were overturned and there was shouting and noise everywhere.

"What's going on?" I shouted to no one is particular.

The police officer that had come to my door answered me, "We are looking for your parents" he stumbled over the word parents "do you know where they might have gone?"

Puzzled I looked in the kitchen, they were no where to be seen. I shook my head ''Last I saw them we were in the kitchen"

The officer wrote down something on his notepad.

"Miss, your going to have to go upstairs and pack yourself some clothes and essentials. We're going to take you back to the station where we will explain everything."

Even though I wanted an explanation right then and there, I nodded anyway and went upstairs to pack a bag.


At the police station, I was lead into a room with big windows, a couch, a bed, and a bathroom.

I set my stuff down by the bed and decided to go into the bathroom and freshen up. I took a shower and replayed all the events in my head. So much had happened and the day wasn't even half over. I really hope I get an explanation soon, or my head is going to explode.

After my shower I dressed in a blue tang top and some capris'. I let my hair fall down in its natural curls.

When I came into the main room there was a man sitting on the couch. I recognized him as the police officer by the door.

He looked up at my entrance, "We didn't get to properly meet back at the house, I'm Jim."

We shook hands and I sat on my bed across from him.

"So, I bet your wondering why your here and why we had you pack some of your things." he stated. I nodded and he continued. "Well, this isn't easy for me to say, but its my job as an officer"

I nervously waited for what he had to say. He seemed to be taking his time on purpose.

"Casey, those people that you know as your parents, aren't your actual parents."

Wait.. back up! WHAT!? I couldn't believe my ears. This has got to be a joke.

The look on the officers face told me this was no joke.

"Your real mother passed away a few years ago, and your father is actually outside this door. Now, he would love to see you today, but we know this is a lot of information to take in and we don't want you to feel overwhelmed."

Ha, too late. This feels like a dream, its all so surreal. My head is spinning as its trying to process all this information. I want to break down and cry, but I want to be strong. I'm 17 now, 17 year olds don't cry.

"Would you feel comfortable seeing your father today, or would you rather wait?"

I thought about this, 17 years not knowing my own father. I looked down, deep in thought and caught sight of my silver chain hanging around my neck. I felt tears brimming my eyes, but I would allow none to escape. I ripped the locket from my neck and handed it to the officer.

"I would like to see him now please" I stated with a calm voice.

The officer nodded and stood. He left and I heard some mumbling in the hall. Then a man entered.

When I finally found my voice I spoke two words that would change my life forever, "Hi dad."


Authors Note:

So waddya guys think? I had this new idea, its still fresh so bear with me. Vomment please?! Thanks. Love you guys!

-Julia <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2013 ⏰

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