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“Get off Senpai!” Yuu shouted but Touko didn’t listen. Yuu and Touko was at Yuu’s house supposed to be studying but Touko took it to the next level. Right now Touko is trying to kiss Yuu but Yuu needs to study. That’s the reason why she invited Touko over. “Senpai what if someone sees?” “Like who? Or did you forget that me and you are the only ones here?” Touko said with a smirk on her face. She got closer. 

“But Senpai we are supposed to be studying right now.” “How are you going to help me study when you aren’t even in my grade?” Touko was really close now. “So how are you going to repay me?” Yuu gave in like she always does. She sighed, “Fine but make it quick AND NO TONGUE!!” “Aww but that’s the best part Yuu.” She pouted. “Fine I guess you don’t get any kisses.” “No,no.” Touko hurried up and kissed Yuu. Yuu would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy these moments. 

Yuu sighed into the kiss as if all the stress over the exams was finally being released. Touko pulled back after what felt like an eternity,but in reality it was just a few seconds. Yuu was disappointed that Touko actually listened to her. Without even realizing it Yuu began to pout. “What's wrong Yuu?” Touko asked. “Nothing.” Yuu said perfectly calm but the disappointment is in her voice. “Come on if you wanted more kisses you just had to ask.” Touko says while getting closer. In Yuu’s brain she was panicking because she didn’t know how Touko could tell. 

Soon their lips met again, but this time Yuu was the one to break the kiss. She had Touko’s mouth covered and held her back at arms length, but being small means having short arms so it wasn’t as far as Yuu had hoped. “Come on lets just study.” “Fine but I’m thirsty so I'm gonna get something to drink. You want anything?” “Yeah get me some tea. There should be some already made in the fridge,” and with that Touko left to get drinks.

 Touko opened the fridge to see two clear containers of dark brown liquid. I guess they're both tea. Touko grabbed one of them and poured a cup for Yuu and got water for herself. Touko came back to Yuu studying. “Why don't you take a break? You’ve been studying ever since we got here.” “Fine I’ll take a 30 minute break but that's it.” “YAY!!” Touko hugged Yuu really tight. “Geez senpai. You always get so touchy,” Yuu reached over Touko and grabbed her cup. She took a sip. This tastes gross. What happened to the tea in the fridge? Oh well I’m kinda thirsty so I’ll drink it. 

Touko was still clinging to Yuu. “I thought you were thirsty senpai?” “Yeah but right now I just want to cuddle.” “sigh Fine but you only got 25 minutes before we get back to studying,” Yuu said sternly. “Yeah,Yeah.” Touko said, still clinging to Yuu and taking all her scent in. 

She snuggled closer not wanting this moment to end. “You’re hopeless.” Yuu took another drink. It started to burn her throat. What is this stuff? In 10 minutes her drink was gone but replaced with something else. Yuu drank something she shouldn't have. Touko was supposed to pour the tea in her cup when she accidently poured some whiskey. So now Yuu is really drunk because she had a whole cup of it. 

Yuu looked down at Touko and smiled. “Touko-senpai~” “Yuu are you ok?” Touko asked while getting up with a bunch of concern in her voice because Yuu never said her name like that. “I’m fine~” Yuu slurred a little. “Are you drunk or something?!?!” Now Yuu leaned in a bit. “Senpai I told you I’m fine~” Yuu leaned in some more. “You know you’re really cute~~” “W-wha…” Touko was really confused on where this side came from. Yuu leaned until her lips met Touko’s. It was soft and gentle.

Touko pulled back even though she enjoyed it. This isn’t Yuu. She would never do that. Is she drunk? Yuu reeked of alcohol. This is my fault I should’ve smelt the liquid before pouring it. I’m sorry Yuu. Yuu kissed her again. This time Touko kissed back. Yuu smiled in the kiss. They had to break to breathe. “Yuu what about your studying?” 

Touko came up with an idea on how to get Yuu to act like herself. “What about it?” Yuu just wanted kisses right now. “Well if you don’t study then you’ll fail and won’t get any kisses.” I have this in the bag. “You can’t survive without my kisses Touko-senpai~” Yuu was right she needs her Yuu charge. “Come on you know you like them,” Yuu kissed Touko again.

Touko’s mind went blank when Yuu’s tongue slipped in. She regained her thoughts and pushed Yuu off of her. “Yuu~ 30 min is up. Don’t forget why we’re here in the first place,” Touko said as calmly as she could without breaking down. “But senpai~ you were doing it too~” Yuu complained. “Well fine you can have indirect kisses then,”I finally got you know, Touko thought as she handed Yuu her water. “You’re a meany,”Yuu pouted but took the cup anyway.

When Yuu finished the drink she had a headache and decided to just sleep. Why do I have to be your pillow tho? Yuu had laid her head on Touko’s lap and fell asleep. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tease her about this later. I’ll just sleep with her for now. And tease her at school in the morning. Man I’m glad her family is out of the country.

Touko laid down next to Yuu and cuddled her close enjoying this position while it lasted. In the next morning Yuu woke up by movements. Touko was awake and was playing with Yuu’s down hair. “Senpai what are you doing?” Yuu asked while sitting up bring Touko with her. “Cuddling with my precious Yuu,” Touko said and kissed Yuu. “You know last night you attacked me like this,” Touko repeated the same thing Yuu did last night which left a very fluster Yuu. “Stop Touko-senpai we need t-” Yuu was attacked again by a lot of kisses and a very clingy Touko.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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