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The prologue is the only chapter in 3rd person!!

Falling in love is easy, it's the staying in love that most people get tripped up by. Now, everyone has secrets, it's common knowledge, but some of those secrets are the deciding fate between a happy or tragic ever after. And Sara's father, Chris's, secret was the epitome of that.

Valorie, Sara's mother, didn't know what Chris was hiding. She didn't know what he was or what he could do. Even though some of her family disapproved of their relationship, he was perfect in her eyes.

And he was.

Chris was a great husband, he was caring, loyal and respectful. He loved Valorie with everything he had, and when you love someone, I mean truly love someone, you'll do anything for them. You'd face your darkest fear, fight you greatest enemy, you'd even die, just to protect them.

All he wanted was for Valorie to be safe, the problem was though that him loving her was what was putting her in danger. Chris's secret was far beyond some family drama or hidden addiction, in all honesty it was more than just a secret.

It was a sacred rule that had never been broken before.

One he had spent years running from.

Chris's love for Valorie would only end in her death, along with any children she had with him. And it all had to do with the secret he'd kept from her for so long.

The fact that he's a werewolf and that if they had a child they would be one too.

Werewolves and humans were forbidden to be together, and by default they were also not aloud to have children. Even though one had never been born before, half bloods were rumored to hideous and vicious creatures, that would only bring dishonor to the Moon Goddess and all of werewolf kind. Even touching a human as a werewolf was looked down upon, let alone bringing a half blood into the world with one.

"Chris!" Valorie beamed, snapping her husband from his thoughts, "You're not going to believe this!"

"What is it?" Chris swiveled around, setting his drink down on the coffee table.

"I'm pregnant!" Valorie exclaimed, holding up two positive pregnancy tests, a beaming look of joy shining through her smile.

A smile just as large as hers spread across Chris's face as he saw the two vibrant lines on the pregnancy tests. Chris swept Valorie up into his arms, spinning her around as she laughed, hugging him back tightly. He was elated at the news, but one thing made his face fall even though she couldn't see it.

Their child was a blessing, Chris didn't think a human could even conceive a werewolf's kid. But, it was also a curse, because this child was about to put them all into serious danger.

It had been two months since Valorie found out she was pregnant, and as each day grew by Chris was getting more and more apprehensive. It should've happened by now, the high council should've already known that Valorie was pregnant with his child, but it had been quiet. There were no attacks, no mind links, no anything. Chris had hoped that just maybe Valorie and his unborn child were safe, but in the back of his mind he knew it was foolish to think that.

As Chris walked out of the bathroom, heading towards his bed, a rustle sounded through the window from outside, a symphony of howls following it. "Honey, did you hear that?" Valorie's voice was timid as she sat up on the bed, the comforter still covering her. "It sounded like a wolf or something..."

Chris's heart sank, his eyes widening, with a deep breath he gulped, knowing exactly what those noises were. "Don't worry, darling, I'll go check it out. Just promise me you'll stay here? You cannot leave the room, do you understand?" Chris spoke, his tone stern as his eyes burned into Valorie with something that could only be described as true fear.

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