• Seven •

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We arrived at the school before breaking in which wasn't exactly hard. JJ, Rie and I did it all the time, plus Kate had a key.

Si had returned with a box of lost clothes making us all scramble to, l grab something simple. A white t-shirt and dark green jeans. 

"We can't have any of Sam's blood us right?" Rie mutters making Josh nod.

"If we are correct then yeah."

"Nothing I can do about that." I looked at her in sadness. Sure she was my best friends ex but I would never wish her to death. I loved the girl like she was a sister or annoying little cousin.

Deena chases after Sam as she makes her way down the hall. I grab my clothes watching as Rie and JJ walk into a classroom.

"Si you're with me."

We quickly get changed into clean-ish clothes, luckily I didn't have any of Sammy's blood on so i was able to change quickly.

"Hey Jooo..." his voice says in a very creepy way. I open the door to see him standing in an ugly blue sweater.

"What." He smirks before shaking a bottle of pills. I love this boy.

"Ooh gimme." I place two on my tongue and before we knew it we were spinning around laughing at each other.

I must've spun too much because before I knew it, I was throwing up chunks of stale spaghetti with si holding my hair back. A bell rings making si drop my hair, almost getting it in the toilet bowl. Gross. 

We were the first ones out before a bright magenta hit my eyes. The pair basically did the walk of shame making Si and I gasp jokingly.

"No." We point between the two with smirks. "Did you two..." I asked Kate who immediately gets defensive.

"Relax it was barely first base." Yeah okay.

Dee and Sammy came down the hall with Rie and JJ. All doing the exact same thing.

I start laughing at them as they turn pink.

"Finally!" I exclaim looking at JJ and Rie who roll their eyes at me. They had been flirting since freshman year. Took them long enough.

"Did all of you go to pound Town?" Si looks at me with a subtle wink. "So did we."

Their mouths open wide looking at us in disbelief. After rolling my eyes at them, I scoff. Idiots.

"Gross. He's like my brother."

"Yeah and I'm not into that incest shit."

"Plus I'm seeing someone." They all question me, as I walk towards the cleaning supplies ignoring them with smirks.

The urge to vomit was still there but I held it down. A bit almost came out when we were setting up the trap.

Jj and I slip managed to slip over a total of 3 times each on the bleach covered floor. Lovely plan. I had already done my line with Sammy's blood to draw them into the trap.

Essentially we were going to lure them into the shitty ass bathroom with Sammy's blood, then boom. Goodbye psychos.

I was with Si who was panicking, like hard core panicking to the point where it made me nervous.

"Shut the hell up you're freaking me out!" I whisper to him.

"Okay tell me who you're dating?" Seriously at this moment.

"Are you crazy? Now is not the time to talk about my sex life." The sound of a girls voice enters my ears. We lean against the wall looking in the direction of the voice.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now