I am the mc of this story, you can call me y/n. I have long blonde hair, I sigh as I move my 4'1 booty out of my huge jinormous beanbag, draped over the floor of my vast ballroom.
I hear my mom call from downstairs: "y/n there's something I need to tell you". I throw my silky locks up into a perfect messy bun amd trudge down my huge sweeping staircase. As I arrive in our full industrial restaurant kitchen I trip, a tall dark mysterious figure looks down at me. He has blue balls that gaze into my own emerald green ones. "so you're y/n" he yells. His deep masculine voice makes me have butterflies.
My mom says "I dont want you anymore this is your new daddy". "daddy?" I stutter? "yes" he grunts, and then adds "your the perfect size for my children. petite. fertile. and breedable." then he flips me on his back and breeds me with his 12 inch manhood. I can already feel my children growing within me, I will be the perfect mother, I have never felt such purpose before.
Then daddy picks me up and carrys me to his white van where all his other whore are waiting. I am placed delicately on the front seat and he says "y/n, out off all the sluts I've banged, you were the worst." his gravelly voice barks. I go into labour immediately. My beautiful baby boy 'mahathew' and my perfect little girl 'kaytilin' are brought into this world.
Then daddy slings me over his shoulder and throws me down the front steps. I fall all 12 flights and he catches me at the bottom. He breeds me again. I will never not enjoy his beautiful family jews. I again feel the blossom of motherhood in my womb. This is my life now. I am y/n. I will love it. xoxo