Chapter 7

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Kioti announced that he would be staying for a week. Enough time to really spend with you, but not so long that he would be missed in the medical world.

You walked outside the first morning and were shocked to see Kioti and Jiri together outside. The first night Kioti had been downright terrified of the demons, and barely slept. Now he was crouched down beside one, looking at plants.

You watched silently, a warm feeling in your heart.

"This is called oregano. It's great for fighting off infections, preventing cell damage and has vitamins," Kioti said, brushing a plant with roundish dark green leaves.

"That's so cool! I had no idea plants had so many uses!" Jiri responded with a big grin. "I've always loved plants a lot."

Jiri picked another leaf of similar shape and smelled it. She sighed, and visibly relaxed. "Here," she said, sticking the leaf in Kioti's face.

He chuckled and smelled it. "That's mint. It's a relative of oregano, actually."

You didn't know whether or not to interrupt them. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, and you were happy to let Kioti get used to the company of demons. You were about to turn around when a brother your age, Wuyu, opened the front door.

"Rui tried making human food for you and Kioti's breakfast. He wants you to try it," Wuyu stated.

You held back a laugh. "Okay." You walked off the front patio and tapped Kioti on the shoulder. "Time for breakfast," you said.

He reached for his crutch and stood up, Jiri standing as well, and you all went inside. You walked into the kitchen, where Rui stood next to two plates with small cakes on them. He tried to hide it, but he was proud of himself.

You chuckled. "This is great, Rui!" Your eyes locked into his as you both smiled. His was more of a smirk. Kioti's gaze glanced between you but then he ignored you.

You took a seat at the table and picked up your fork. You discovered after cutting into the food that the texture was way off, and you had to snuff back another laugh.
"Is something wrong?"

You looked up from your plate as Rui's question pierced the air. Oh yeah…
Kioti stood uncomfortably by the table. He raised hand to the back of his head. Why did the implant on his wrist have to stand out so much at that moment?

His gaze sunk down, hair falling halfway over his eyes. "I can't eat," he said quietly.
Rui stayed silent. The proud light that had once filled his eyes faded away, replaced with an ashamed, mournful edge. An awkward silence hung over the room like a weighted blanket.

"I'm going to get some fresh air…" Rui said quietly, walking out of the room. Nobody bothered to believe the excuse, or to comment on it. You could hear the back door shutting as he went outside.

You took a bite of the cake and walked outside. The last thing you saw of the kitchen was Kioti awkwardly reaching for his nutrient canister.

You walked out of the back door and saw Rui sitting on the edge of the porch. You sat next to him, closer than you had originally planned. Now it would be worse if you scooted away, and you didn't really mind..
He didn't say anything, for a while. You looked over to see a look of pure misery on his face. Your heart throbbed.

"I feel horrible, Y/n," Rui whispered.

You didn't know how to respond. You took a deep breath.

"My dad was attacked by a demon when I was very young. One of the Twelve Kisuki did it," you started. Rui looked into your eyes, not sure where this was leading.
"He lived. He lost one of his legs." You said.

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