Adventure #1

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I woke up. It's the first day of being Kastuki's boyfriend!! He's so manly. I got ready for school and waited outside his door. "Oh hey Kiri. You ready?" I nodded once and we started walking to class. I don't know how Kastuki feels about public affection.. I tried to hold his hand, but he pushed the button for the elevator. I'm too embarrassed to try again.


School went on with no physical affection for Kirishima. He was a bit upset, but knew these type of things would be complicated.

I tried so many times today!!! They were all avoided unconsciously!! Well, I'm going to his room when school ends. Maybe I can hug him.. 

The bell rings, school's ended for the day. Kirishima goes to Bakugou's room.

I laid on his bed while he played video games. "Die!! Haha!! You all suck! Go back to Crossy Road losers!!" Kastuki is very manly. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He didn't turn red, well not that I could see.. Kastuki went silent and turned off the game.

  "Kirishima." I looked over. Before I had turned away in case he exploded. "Yes?" He had an unreadable face on. Kastuki was confused? No.. angry?? I couldn't tell. "What.. what was that?" Does Kastuki not know what a kiss is? "A kiss?" I laughed a bit, trying to lighten the mood. "Like they do in the movies..?" He's only seen it in movies?? "Yeah.. like in movies... Have you never been kissed before?? You know affection?"

     He looked confused and a little annoyed. "I don't think I have.. Can you.." He stopped talking and stared hard at the floor. "Can I what?" He tried to hide his blush. "Can you.. do it again..?" Why was he asking like he was asking for something impossible? This is worrying.. "Of course, you don't need to ask? I'll kiss you whenever and it's the same for you."

     He quickly looked up at me. "I can... kiss you?!" Why is this.. kind of cute? He's like a five year old learning about something they like. "Yes. You can." His eyes sparkled!? Like the ocean on a hot summer day!? He got onto the bed and laid down beside me. WOAH WOAH WOAH, I WASN'T EXPECTING TO GET THIS FAR- "Will you kiss me now?" Oh yeah, he asked for a kiss. "Yeah." I gave him a forehead kiss. "Do you like it?" He touched his forehead. "Y-yeah! I like it..." This is a side of Kastuki that I've never seen. "Do you wanna kiss me now?"

      His face dropped a little. "I.. don't know.. if I can do it right.." I laughed. "There's no way to do it right! You just pucker your lips and.. You kiss!" He thought about it for a while. "I'm ready.. Where do I kiss you?"

      I giggled. "Anywhere you'd like!" I closed my eyes and waited quietly. The bed shifted and creaked. I felt the heat of his body near me, his hands at either side of me. I felt him getting closer. Then he kissed me. On the lips. It was soft and quick then I opened my eyes. I sat up and my cheeks were turned red. "On the lips?" He looked down. "Was it not good? Did I do it wrong??"

      I hugged him. "No! It was very nice. I'm just surprised because a kiss on the lips means more than a kiss on the cheek or forehead.. I liked it." We both blushed. "It's lights out!! If I see anyone out of bed than you'll be suspended!!!" I wonder if.. "Hey Kastuki?" He blushed a little more. "Yes?" Ah.. right now he's not manly, but cute. "Can I sleep here today? It's fine if you say no." He grabbed my pants. "Stay." My heart stopped.

      I pushed him down and kissed him hard. "I'll stay. Thank you." We both smiled and we got under the covers. I hugged him and we slept warmly and comfortably through the night. I'm glad I kissed him.

The first one! I hope it's good. I had fun writing it.

Have a lovely 24 hours~

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