Hello my name is Sasha Thatcher (Liversedge) I am 33 years old. I was born in Lapeer, Michigan and raised in Otter Lake, Michigan. I am happily married, a mother of one boy. I have moved around so much I don't know it I can move no more. I love my hometown "Otter Lake". It small and beautiful and in the country. Your lucky if you get any service on your phone. I love horse back riding, climbing trees, hunting, fishing and camping.
I also love mud bogging and getting dirty. Most girls don't know much about cars but I was in the pole barn when I was 5 years old helping my grandpa and my dad works on cars. I have also helped my dad build mud boggers from the frame up. I use to go to Otter Lake Elementary when I was little.
I graduated from the LakeVille Community School district back in 2006. July 17th, 2013 I gave birth to my handsome baby boy who is now 9 about to be 10 this year. It feel just like yesterday I was pregnant for you and now ya 10. They always say boy, "Oh how time sure does flies right by like a beautiful butterfly."
I have always dreamed of becoming a Journalist, Or just a famous writer. I have always wanted to write books and get them publish but I have never fulfilled my dream because I would always get started and then fall asleep and I woke up and I was like oh my god, why didn't I write about it. Then I get so all down and hard on myself because it is just more chances let go.
I have finally got the chance to start what I had planned my whole life and place it in a book to see if I can find the right way to get the world to see that I Sasha Thatcher (Liversedge), has a gift that is very very very, rare to find.
Keep tune in to find more parts of each chapter as we go through life together one by one.
Ooo, know that sounds like it would make a good movie put together. Oh that would be so great to write and publish a book that turns in to a video that prepares you for important things that those in the past will need to know to stay safe from people that like to stay in the lights or should I say LEDs and locked up in her room and gets high and stays high, but can still care for her child.
Stay tuned and see the life of a "pothead."