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Full Name: Sirenia Pilar Valkynaz
Alias: Silencia Dremora, Tormentor of the Soul Shriven, Princess Sirenia of Sentinel(Formerly)
Age: Unknown. Close to about 7000 years old or more.
Date of Birth: 21st of Evening Star sometime in the First Era
Birthplace: Sentinel, Hammerfell
Gender: Female
Race: Redguard-Dremora Hybrid
Class: Nightblade and Necromancer

Sirenia grew up in the royal family as the youngest daughter. She had four brothers but they were protective of her growing up. Her father tried getting her in an arranged marriage when she reached 17.

During this time, she wasn't ready to get married. All four of her older brothers have already gotten married and have separate kingdoms. But the one she was arranged to marry was more lazy and too old for her. She didn't love him but was forced to marry him per arrangement.

During her desperation, she begged the Divines or any gods to get her out of it. That was when a mysterious stranger came to her as he heard her plea. He claimed to be associated with Molag Bal but told her he would offer her power if in return she would do something for him. He told her in order for his master to accept her request, she must kill him.

Without thinking, she accepted. He then granted her a special enchanted dagger and a black soul gem. She took these things and began planning how to do it.

The next day, she found out her father had fallen ill after a badly cooked meal his chef made but no one had seen him since. Sirenia was worried about losing her father and when her soon to be husband who was sleazy told her that he would take over as king in no time.

She heard something in her mind telling her he did this so he can usurp the throne from her family. She went to investigate the kitchen to find out what caused this. Chefs were in distress wondering who poisoned the King. Sirenia found a strange herb and she asked who gave it to them. They were afraid to speak of who did it. One of them then said it was someone she is supposed to marry.

She felt so much anger as she felt her blood boil in her veins. Hatred filled her heart as she went to find him. She walked in on him with two ladies giving him a good time. She demanded them to leave and he urged them to stay. He asked Sirenia to join them for some fun, she held out the enchanted dagger at his neck asking him if he was the one who poisoned her father. He admitted it and when one of the guards told her that her father died from poisoning, without even thinking, she glared at the man who was grinning after hearing her father is dead and his plan worked.

A storm raged outside the palace of Sentinel as she walked toward the man. He didn't take her seriously until she began stabbing him repeatedly and screaming at him. She began cursing in a language that wasn't her own. His blood spilled on the floor in the room he stayed in and he died after she stabbed him multiple times.

The guards thought she had gone insane, as the soul gem filled capturing the man's soul, the clouds turned black as night. The hooded man appeared before her congratulating her on her success. But when he revealed himself as Molag Bal in disguise, He then told her she fulfilled her end of the bargain, but she was now sealed to be his new dremora to serve him.

Her mother begged her to cut the deal she made, just before she could speak, he grabbed Sirenia and disappeared into a cloud of smoke back to Coldharbour. He made her go through a painful transformation as dark magic consumed her. Her redguard blood spilled out of her and was replaced by daedric blood. Her screams can be heard throughout Oblivion and even on Nirn.

She then became comatose for a week as she was observed as she experienced changes. When she finally emerged, she was no longer human or mortal. Her mind had completely changed forever. She spent centuries serving Molag Bal and also being his tormentor of the soul shriven then served as a bounty hunter.

Soon after, the people of Hammerfell had forgotten about Sirenia as she went from Princess to the killer of mortals. Some even called her the Bane of Mortals. She was skilled a dark magic and mind magic also. She's a skilled temptress but eventually by the Fourth Era, she came out of his control and also regretted what she had done.

She escaped to Tamriel but posed as a redguard woman there. Only traits she had was red eyes. Many question why she had that and she tells them she doesn't want to talk about it.


Daedric Strength-Able to lift anything heavy like twenty to thirty tons
Dark Magic
Daedra Fire
Mind Magic
Soul Trap
Glamouring-Can change from her dremora appearance to mortal appearance
Illusion Magic

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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