Chapter 19 : Sunshine

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Taehyun and Beomgyu wandered through a bookstore, on the hunt for a specific book that Taehyun had been searching for over the past thirty minutes. Despite the growing fatigue of the vampire, Beomgyu remained silent, content just to be by Taehyun's side, ensuring his safety.

As he trailed behind, Beomgyu couldn't see Taehyun's expression, but he could feel the younger man's frustration through his pouts and sighs.

"What's the matter, sunshine?" Beomgyu inquired.

Taehyun turned to him, his pout clear as day. Beomgyu found him so adorable that he felt an urge to pinch his cheeks.

"I can't find the book I need," Taehyun admitted, disappointment heavy in his tone.

"That's too bad. Should we check out another bookstore nearby?" Beomgyu suggested. He wasn't aware of the specific title Taehyun was after, having never asked. They left the first store empty-handed and made their way to another one just a short distance away.

After another thirty minutes of searching, they exited that store with the same lack of success. They repeated this pattern, visiting several bookstores, but each time they came up empty. By the afternoon, both were sweating under the relentless sun. Exhausted, Taehyun crouched in front of the last bookstore they visited, burying his face in his hands and letting out a frustrated scream. Beomgyu flinched at the sound.

"Why????" Taehyun whined, sounding like a child denied candy on Halloween. Beomgyu shook his head, chuckling at Taehyun's childlike display.

"What book are you looking for?" Beomgyu asked gently.

Taehyun looked up, his brown eyes meeting Beomgyu's. "I'm trying to find the new 'Kimi No Nawa' manga, but no one has it."

Beomgyu cooed softly and ruffled Taehyun's silver hair. "Should we try looking somewhere else?"

Taehyun paused for a moment before shaking his head. "No, it's okay. I can read it online."

Beomgyu raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "How about we go to the shopping mall then?"

Taehyun looked surprised by the sudden suggestion. "Why?"

Beomgyu thought for a moment. "I wanted to buy some new clothes, maybe for you too."

Taehyun blushed at the thought of Beomgyu buying him clothes. "I mean—don't get the wrong idea. I just want to hang out and shop together, as friends."

Beomgyu emphasized "friends" to clarify his intentions. Taehyun felt a lump in his throat and mumbled, "Yeah... sure... as friends."

Beomgyu didn't catch his words, already walking ahead. Taehyun followed, his heart aching at the mention of "friends." He clutched the fabric of his shirt, grappling with his confusing emotions.

What was behind these emotions? Beomgyu was a vampire—a creature that filled Taehyun with dread. He should have run away or even tried to get rid of him, yet he found himself unable to do either. Despite the chill and hostility aimed at him, Beomgyu remained unfailingly kind and patient.

Their relationship had transformed from strangers to something more intimate, filled with tender moments, pet names, hugs, and kisses. Each time Beomgyu touched him, Taehyun felt a flutter in his stomach, torn between denying his feelings and confronting them. Was it love? A mere crush? The confusion was overwhelming, and he yearned to escape his emotions.

Lost in his thoughts, Beomgyu suddenly pulled him into an embrace, catching Taehyun off guard.

"Are you okay?" Beomgyu's deep voice was tinged with concern.

Taehyun looked up, their bodies pressed together, and instinctively pulled back, accidentally bumping his head against a nearby pole. Wincing in pain, he crouched down, cradling the back of his head.

"Be careful—look at you now," Beomgyu said, kneeling beside him and gently blowing on Taehyun's sore spot. The warmth of his breath and the way he brushed Taehyun's hair sent his heart racing again, reminiscent of the feelings he had felt at the food truck.

Suddenly, Taehyun pushed Beomgyu away and stood up abruptly. "What are you doing to me?"

Beomgyu, taken aback, stood up and brushed off his clothes. "What do you mean?"

"All the hugs, the kisses on the forehead, holding hands, the nicknames—seriously?" Taehyun's frustration was evident.

Beomgyu flinched at the sharpness of his tone. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"Yes," Taehyun replied. "Everything you do makes me uneasy. I'm still trying to understand why I couldn't kill you that night. And why do I feel butterflies whenever you're kind to me?"


"Enough, Choi Beomgyu. What's your agenda? Why are you acting like this? What do you want from me?"

Beomgyu sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Is it my fault you feel butterflies because of me?"

"Yes! Can't you see? You're the reason!" Taehyun shouted. "You treat me kindly even after I've been awful to you, ignored you, and even tried to hurt you. Why? What are you doing to me?"

Tears brimmed in Taehyun's eyes as he took Beomgyu's hand and placed it on his chest. "Can you feel it? My heart races whenever you're near. When you're not around, I worry. What kind of feelings are these?"

Beomgyu's breath caught as he felt Taehyun's heartbeat beneath his hand. He withdrew, taking a deep breath before turning back to Taehyun, who was on the verge of tears.

"Do you really want to know?"

Taehyun nodded eagerly. "Yes—"

Before he could finish, Beomgyu cupped his face and closed the distance between them, kissing him softly. Taehyun froze for a moment but quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Beomgyu's neck. Beomgyu's arms encircled Taehyun's waist, and despite the public setting and curious glances, they kissed deeply.

Beomgyu's lips were sweet, and the kiss felt euphoric—a new sensation for Taehyun. After they broke apart, Beomgyu rested his forehead against Taehyun's.

"Now tell me, what do you feel?"

Taehyun didn't respond, lowering his gaze and fiddling with his shirt.


Beomgyu couldn't finish his thought as Taehyun pulled him into another kiss. Beomgyu smirked, savoring the moment.

Meanwhile, someone watched them from a distance, fists clenched and teeth gritted.

"That Taehyun kid..."

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